Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Prepping for Proposition Day

Tomorrow starts the PROPOSITION...I will weigh in an post my weight and my measurements on Thursday. I will also make a link of my food diary so that way you can see what I ate, how may times I ate, and etc.  I always think it's a good thing to see the visual of the plan.

 I will be going to the Farmers market to stock up on all my fresh veggies and fruits. I will go to the grocery store and stock up on my meats and proteins as well. I also will be going out to eat at least ONE time during this process to show you that can order at a restaurant and still be healthy but feel full and satisfied.  In the next 30 days I will also be at a bar and show the tricks to looking like you have a drink, but yet there is no drink...I know more then anyone that it's difficult to start a new regimen and have to be so picky...Everyone around you isn't always on the same game plan as you. My biggest fear is at some point if I get asked out on a date and go to the restaurant I am not going to look like high maintenance by ordering my meal how I want it prepared. I will cross that bridge if/when I get to it but I figure that people with allergies have to order a certain way, why can't I order that way too?

I will have a lot to write about the next 30days. Sorry the last few entries have been a little short and boring...

Workout of the Day
Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Technical Development =5 rep Max for a push press
My 5 Rep Max= 73

Benchmark Workout- "Nancy"

400 M Run
15 OHS (95/65)

My Total Time=17:09

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sick AGAIN!!

I got sick from my co-workers!! GRRRR. Nothing much to write about today since tomorrow will be the LAST day I can have coffee and everything non processed which will give me a ton to write about. I am excited about this PROPOSITION!! I will be posting my weight and measurements on Thursday morning. I am NOT brave enough to take pictures in a sports bra and shorts...My EX recently told me that I look like Sunshine on The Biggest Loser, now I have another complex of feeling like I look like I am 300lbs!!

Workout of the Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

400 M Run
21-15-9 =reps of each exercise
Hang Power
Clean (115 / 85)

Push Jerk (115 /85)
400 M Run 

MY Time= 13:47

"Cookie" - 3 Rounds: 3 V-UPS, 3 K2E, 3 T2B, 30 Sec. Plank Hold

Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Passover to everyone who celebrates Passover!!

1 more week until I start running actual mileage again. Taking the time off to rest my knee has killed my endurance. Guess what I may have to do? Telephone poll to telephone poll again...oh well. I run a few miles in Crossfit a day so hopefully I will get my base back fairly quickly.

2 more days until the PROPOSITION...YIKES! In today's world I can't believe it is soooo difficult to go without processed foods! Every morning I am going to try and get my run out of the way so I can focus on Crossfit. Honestly, I am so exhausted after Crossfit that I can't even think about running another inch.

Workout of the Day
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach
WOD "6x3"
2 MUSCLE UPS (Sub 4 Dips / 4 Pulls)
6 SDHP (75/55)
EVERY 30 SEC. for 3 MINUTES: Sprint 50 M

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend of Rest

Sometimes I think that it's nice to sit back and enjoy where you live. This weekend I went to the beach all day on Saturday and read The Paleo Diet book getting ready for my PROPOSITION this coming Thursday and just enjoyed Florida.

I did go out Saturday night and I am sooo proud of myself because I didn't drink! For the first time I had no desire to drink in the dancing type of environment. I actually was burnt to a crisp and just craved a ton of water all day and night since I was dehydrated.

Today it was raining allll day so I just watched old movies and spent time with Sophie(my dog)...Nala was in the bedroom most of the day hiding LOL...

I have some thoughts that I want to share about the book that makes COMPLETE sense to me. I will share them once I finish to book to make sure I still feel the same way when I am finished.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

PS. The blog is going to be revamped and look all pretty in the next 2weeks!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Night Softball

Lost tonight..boooooo

Workout of the Day
Friday=Friday night Softball!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Goal Setting& Visual Planning

Thursday. The day that I dread Wednesday night exercise wise.  Let me explain. Saturday's Crossfit seems to always be the hardest of the week. I take Sunday off but am still wayyyyy sore on Monday. Monday-Thursday I go to 4 days of Crossfit straight so by Thursday it seems like I can't move my body. It is such a great feeling.

I am not the greatest at Crossfit at all, but I have to say I really can't see myself EVER going back to the conventional gym.  At the end of every workout I feel the same euphoria as I do when I cross the finish line at a marathon. I also feel the same sense of accomplishment.  Although I am not a drug user, I feel high when I am done. My brother(as always) puts it best into words "It's an intense sensory experience that you can't explain to people who don't do it"-Jason Vieira Sr.

As with any program that I start I am a VERY visual person. During marathon training I make a marathon calendar just using the Microsoft Word Tables and I customize it with the Run of the Day& Workout of the Day. I color the box in Green when I complete that days RUN(this just gives me a positive look at being 1 day closer to the marathon), I color the Rest Days in Pink(red is too negative of a color. It reminds me of when I would do bad on a test and the teacher folded the paper and handed it to you), and then finally I would log the week end in mileage. i.e. 35miles for the week. I also keep a journal of injuries, goals, and health that day. Marathon training is wayyy more then just running. I need to be mentally focused and in it at all times. Those are just tools that make it easier for me. It's a lot of work!LOL...What's my point? Yesterday I purchased a Crossfit WOD(Workout of the Day) Workbook. In this workbook it has EVERYTHING that I need to reach my goals. It has allll of the BENCHMARK Workouts that we do. It also has goal setting pages and and tons of information that I need on the daily basis.  As you all know I will be doing the strict version of Paleo the month of April and in this workbook it has ALL the foods on the Paleo list.  It has The ENCOURAGED and NOT ENCOURAGED foods. It's great.  Always do for what works for you but I HIGHLY encourage you to use something visual to help you achieve your goals. Write down as much as you can that way 6months from that date you can go back and see your progress or things you may need to work on.

In today's world with process foods, chemicals, toxins, LIFE in general, it can be a constant battle of staying healthy.  We are constantly faced with the temptation of bad food choices. It seems at every street corner there is a Dunkin' Donuts, McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Wendy's. We are busy and find it easier to eat out and sometimes it's cheaper to eat out. I am embarrassed to admit that I am guilty at eating at all of the above(especially late night after a night of fun with friends). Here is the great news...Today is a NEW day, a new day for a fresh start. Don't wait until Monday. Start now.

Workout of the Day
Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

500meter row
10High Knees
10Butt Kicks 
10 Alternating Lunges 
10 Mountain Climbers
10 PVC Press
10 PVC Good Mornings 
2-3 Rounds
Technique & Development  
ROPE CLIMBS (3-5 Ascents) / Forward Rolls / Hand Stand Holds /Walks
1 ROUND = 
2 Min. Suicides
2 Min. Target Practice (get 3 points) + As Many HSPU=(Handstand pushups) in time left

My total Regular pushups= 27

2 Rounds
5 Knees to elbows
5 Ring Dips / 
50 Sit Ups

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Proposition Details

Yesterday I told you that I had a proposition and I accepted.  It's a 30day change of lifestyle that will hopefully change my life permanently.  I also get bummed out that I feel like I workout and run more than ANYONE I know. Truth is that working out and running is only 10% of fitness and clean eating is 90%.  (NOTE-that is just me talking not a scientific fact that I looked up).

Starting April 1, 2010, myself and fellow Crossfitter Marina will be doing a STRICT Paleo "Diet"..I put "DIET" in parentheses because I don't mean "diet" as in weight loss but "diet" as a way of eating. The Paleo diet in simplest terms is eating exactly the way our ancestors(caveman) ate.  When I say eat exactly the way our cavemen ate I mean real food like real food – meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, oils.  There will be ZERO dairy including butter, cheese, yogurt and milk, NO grains or legumes, NO sugars of any kind real or processed, ZERO processed foods at all, and the HARDEST of them all NO ALCOHOL or COFFEE!!

For more information about this PROPOSITION you can go to this link and check it out:

I will post my weight and measurements on April 1st and then on May 1st to prove that eating Paleo works!

The one thing that I love about Crossfit is that the program really does make you accountable for not only the exercise portion but the EATING well portion too.  I think it is great that the trainers are readily accessible anytime you need help with a movement or just a question about nutrition. On Thursdays you can even schedule at NO EXTRA CHARGE a 1/2hr personal 1 on 1 session with Q(our instructor) on personal development in Crossfit. Q has given me several tips on MARATHONING and healing my knee. He's great. This community of people are so amazing.

Moving on to the workout portion of today, it was CRAZY CHALLENGING!  Everyone was put in pairs but like always I was paired last(LOL) and my group was the only group with 3 people so we had double the work. 2 of us had to hold a 83lb bar while the other partner did 3 Thrusters, 5 Burpees, and 7 pull ups...I know you must be saying that it sounds easy but IT's NOT! You arms start to burn after a while. We had to hold the bar twice as long because I was the extra person which means 1 more person to switch off and do the thrusters, burpees, and pull ups. It was fun tho!

PS. only a few more weeks and I can distance run again!!

Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

500meter row
10 overhead passes
10 torso twists
10 front squats
10 push presses
Technique & Development: M.E SHOULDER PRESS (3-3-3-1-1)
PARTNER 1: 3 Thrusters (#115 / 75) + 5 Burpees + 7 Pull Ups

Our Total Rounds=6

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


After the past week or so running short distances I feel like my knee and shins fell a thousand times better. I might almost be ready to go out for a 3 miler soon. For several weeks now I have been rowing instead of running mostly to stay in active rest for my knee. I have, however, been running 1 mile and the shorter distances on 800meters and 400 meters. I am VERY excited to get back into my marathon training in the next few weeks providing my knee is 100% recovered!!!

Tonight's workout was so fun. It was challenging yet entertaining to participate in! It was like musical chairs only with barbells. If you didn't get a barbell in time you had to do burpees and NO ONE enjoys doing burpees. I was a total sneak and definitely stole the bar from someone even if they were waiting for it! LOL..isn't that the point of the game! I am soooo loving Crossfit!

Lastly, tonight I was emailed a PROPOSITION.  I have always noticed that when someone starts a sentence with "I have a PROPOSITION for you" it can never be god! first reaction was "Ohhh God, what is it going to be?" I ACCEPTED the PROPOSITION..stay tuned for tomorrow for more details ;-)....

Workout of the Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Warmup: Burgener's Warmup / Review Power Snatch w/ PVC
500meter Row
10 Overhead Passes
10 Front Squats
Technique & Development: M.E DEADLIFT (3-3-3-3-3)
WOD:  "Musical Snatches"
100 M Run
10 Power Snatch* (#45, 35, 22)
AMRAP=As many rounds as possible in 12 Minutes

RULES: At the start of the WOD, there will be 2 bars less than # of people in class - on the floor. They will range in weight from #45 / #35 / #22.  When you get back from the run, you will race to get a bar first and do your 10 Snatches. If you don't get a bar, you do BURPEES until one opens up! Throughout the WOD, bars will disappear - to make things more competitive.

My Total Rounds=9

Monday, March 22, 2010

Produce in a can

Have you ever thought about the chemicals that we put in our body without even thinking about it? I know that I have talked about this before but it seriously grosses me out.  Does it even begin to make sense that we eat produce like green beans and tomatoes from a can that is good until 2012?!! I went to make some Chicken Cacciatora and I needed some diced tomatoes, so I go in the cabinet and then I looked at the can and I immediately thought OMG this is disgusting....Since when are tomatoes good for 2years when normally they would spoil within 5 days?? that can't be normal...Using preservatives then sticking them in a can and we then go ahead and eat what is in that can 2 years later....GRUGHHH--OSSS!! I am not doing it anymore.  There has been case after case of people with cancer and of course I am not a doctor and my claim means nothing but do you think that all of these outbreaks of Cancer could possibly be due to the things that we eat and the chemicals that we put in our body? Just food for thought.

Workout of the Day
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach

500meter row
5 back squats
5 front squats

Technique & Development:
Hang Power Clean (3-3-3-1-1)
SB= 25lb Sand Bag
100 M SB RUN (50lb / 35lb)
100 M SB RUN
100 M SB RUN
100 M SB RUN

MY TIME=19:14

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Transitions Detox Day 6

I had softball last night and didn't drink or cheat on the food detox when we went to the Ale House after the game! I had a tossed salad with Vinegar on side for the dressing, no croutons and no bacon(LENT), and a grilled turkey burger with no bun and a pickle!! YUM

Today I went to Crossfit as usual and I have to tell you that I honestly believed I wasn't going to get through it today. I kept saying to myself "OMG Please don't pass out, PLEASSSSE don't pass out"...It was that hard!! Seriously, probably the only workout so far that I actually questioned if I could finish it or not. I finished. See the workout under workout of the day for the workout.

After the workout my new friend from Crossfit went with me to the Farmers Market in Boynton. She had never been to this market before...we got soooo much produce and fresh fruit for soooo cheap. I really encourage you to look into finding where your local farmers market is and start shopping there. The food is fresh and doesn't have preservatives in it.  When you go the grocery store you will be soooo angry that you are paying $1 for 1 cucumber when you can get 3 for a $1 at the farmers market. I eat grapefruit because I love it and I got TEN grapefruits for $2!!! It's sooo great!

Workout of the Day
Saturday=Crossfit Delray Beach

500meter row
2 Rounds of:
10 over head passes
10 torso twists
10 arm rotations on each arm
10 leg kicks on each leg
10 overhead squats


Double Unders=Jump rope...I can only do singles which is 5:1

For Time:
75 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) =I used 10lb ball
800 M Run (Forward)
400 M Run (Backward)
40 Double Unders (5:1 Singles)=200 singles
40 Sit Ups
30 Double Unders =150 singles
30 Sit Ups
20 Double Unders=100 singles
20 Sit Ups
800 M Run (Forward)
400 M Run (Backward)
100 Air Squats

 My Total Time=37:15


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Newport Marathon Announcement

After getting my knee looked at, it was advised that running the marathon in Providence so early with it being in recovery(active) probably wouldn't be the best option for me. Rather then risk injuring myself permanently it saddens me to say that I will be pushing out the marathon until  OCTOBER 17, 2010...It will still be in the state of Rhode Island except it will be in NEWPORT instead.  I will be signing up for this marathon MAY 15, 2010 and it will be a done deal. I am VERY VERY VERY sad to have trained all this time and have to switch the date...buuuttt at the same time it's only 20weeks and my knee has been feeling better since I have been resting it...

I was so upset about this and was telling my brother how I trained all this time and now there is no end goal. He said "No training is ever done in vain"...I am just bummed because I was looking forward to it.  On the brighter note Newport is BEAUTIFUL and I am looking forward that part of it.

Now to the workout part of the day! What I LOVE about Crossfit is that EVERYDAY is different and EVERYDAY is challenging! i am EXHAUSTED every single workout.

Workout of the Day

"A l'il bit o' SECTIONALS"

In 2 Minutes Complete:
100 M Run
5 Man-On-Fire Burpees
* Kettle Bell Swings (32/24kg)**

Complete 5 Rounds for TOTAL # KBS.

* "Man On Fire"Burpees today will consist of one drop chest to deck, roll over 360
deg, finish burpee in a tuck jump

** Do AS MANY KBS as possible in time remaining before next 2min. round begins. 

MY Kettle Swings=61
Weight# 15lbs


400meter run with 25lb sand bag
50 situps

TOTAL= 1/2 mile run w/ 25lb Sandbag
100 sit ups

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Detox Day 3/St. Patty's Day!!

I didn't workout today because I am going to switch today and Friday as my day off. My car finally got fixed and by the time I picked up, filled out paperwork checked it over etc. it was too late to go to Crossfit. Crossfit isn't like a regular gym, there are set times that you need to go and I couldn't make the night class. No Biggie! I will just switch Friday and Wednesday!

I feel GREAT doing this detox.  The great thing is that I am not hungry! You eat 5 times a day and it's all really just "clean" eating with a great balance of fruits and vegetables...You also drink tons of water(as you should anyway) and herbal or detox tea.  I just go with the herbal green tea. I feel less bloated too! I have minimum amounts of sodium in the detox and my carbs come from all the fruits and vegetables.

I didn't want to be tempted so I did NOT go out with all my friends on St. Patty's day today. I knew I would ruin everything that I did this week. I think the first 2 weeks are going to be the hardest so I am going to stay low until I feel confident I can be out in the real world! LMAO!

Workout of the Day 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Transistions Detox Day 2

Today was day 2 of the detox. I don't really think of it as a detox tho. You are drinking herbal teas, and eating several times a day so I look at it more as just a life style change. I have not had a coffee in 2 days so that is a little tough considering that is my savior in the morning since I barely sleep at night.  Friday is going to be the TEST day because that is the day that I play softball and then after the games we always go to the Ale House and eat and drink...I will get a water and since it is still lent I will get a salad with no bacon or egg.

My knee is still hurting me. I think that I am going to look into getting some orthitics because I think that may help me. I don't know what else it could be. I have new shoes, I ice and heat my shins and my knee.

I am feeling VERY discouraged because besides a few slip ups I have been eating very clean and limiting the drinking and I work out alllll the time 5 days a week and softball 1 day a week. I don't know what else more that I could do. I don't want to take any diet pills but I am always inclined to take them because they work but it just isn't good for your body.  Besides that wouldn't even make sense to do that since the whole point of me doing this detox is to eliminate the chemicals and toxins out of my body. I go into Crossfit and just want to cry(not literally) alll the time because I am one of the biggest girls in the class and who wants to be the biggest one anywhere never mind a program that is allll about being healthy and physically fit...It is just soooo frustrating to me. I bust my ass EVERY SINGLE DAY and just feel like I stay the same. It's not a pity party but I just don't know what else to do.  I guess I will just keep trucking LOL...

Today's Crossfit workout was exhausting. I seriously could not do a one legged squat! haha...sooo not funny when you see other people to it like it's effortless and then there is me who hangs on to a resistance band for dear life squatting down on one leg! LOL...if we couldn't complete the the amount of reps in the workout provided below then we had to take the amount of reps we missed and times it by 2 and do that amount of do 34 out of 45 box jumps then you missed 11x2=22 burpees! ouuccchh!! Sarah also decided to up the ante on the run, you had a choice to run 2miles on your own or run 1 mile with a 25lb sandbag, wellll I had every intention on rowing lmao and said ughhh Sarah I think that I am going to row on this one and she said uhhhh I think that you are going to run the 1mile with the I definitely came in last on the mile with the 25lbs sandbags.  Everyone else that was doing it totally kicked my butt.

Workout of The Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

"A Touch of Oahu"

You have 20 Minutes to attempt EACH of the below skills:
1. Unbroken Kipping Pull Ups (30/20)
2. 10 Unbroken Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
3. Unbroken One-legged Squats - each leg (10/6)
4. 45 20-inch Box Jumps completed in one minute

NOTES: If you
are unable to complete the prescribed skill, you must do TWO BURPEES for every rep missed. Eg: You do 15 / 30 unbroken kips = 30 Burpees. Do this for each event.

Part two: RUN 1 Mile with a 25lb sandbag (@50-60% ME)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Transitions Detox

Today I started the first day of the Transitions Detox program...Let me say from the beginning this is NOT for weight loss, this is purely to start to eliminate all of the toxins from my body that are in foods.  I have been reading a lot lately about the chemicals that are put in are foods to make us keep eating it, and I was absolutely DISGUSTED!  There are over 14,000 man made chemicals put into our food.. Here are just a few chemicals they put in our food, pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, and plastic pollutants.  It made me sick to read some of the other substances that I have been putting in my body WILLINGLY through bad foods!

If I am going to run all of these marathons I am NOT going to continue to abuse my body nutrition wise anymore.  I admit that I had a Chipotle addiction for a while only because it was CHEAP! $6 and it would last me 2 meals! I have a single income as you all know and I feel like I spend sooo much $$$ just to prepare 1 meal sooo I ended up eating out alot. Yesterday to make grilled veggie plate cost like $13 to make the vegetables and that's NOT including the salmon! Everything is soooo expensive.

Workout of the Day
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach

5 Pull Ups / 5 Push Ups / 10 Alternating Lunges / 200 M Run (3 Rounds)

Technique &
Level 1 PROGRAM:
"Face Off" Game - Partners "face off" to mirror each other in HANG POWER CLEANS for 3 rounds of 10 reps. Starting at lightest weight and adding each round. Working for SPEED THROUGH THE MIDDLE. Fast feet. Fast elbows.

All Other Levels PROGRAM:
Determine 5 RM for HPC
WOD: "Thanks Meghan"
(M / W)

50 Double Unders (Singles 5:1)
5 Thrusters (95/65)
40 Double Unders
10 Thrusters
30 Double Unders
15 Thrusters
20 Double Unders
20 Thrusters
10 Double Unders
25 Thrusters

MY Time=15:50

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Softball got canceled on Friday...I took the weekend off to rest of  the weekend off to rest my knee.I have a lot of new things coming up this week...stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sand Bags

My taxes are finally done. I don't know why I procrastinate so much on doing them...It's not like they are difficult to do when you are single, have no kids and don't own anything....bottom line is that I was just lazy and kept them on my "to do" list.

Tomorrow I will be making my final decision about the Newport Marathon. My knee and my shins have just taken a beating and I am not prepared to not run ANY marathons just by pushing it out 20 weeks. It just isn't a logical choice. I have to say that I get pretty upset and irrational about my workouts and taking care of myself when I am hurt....RESTING and doing alternative workouts is the answer and I know that is the best option for me. IT's 20 WEEKS! Is it really that life changing that I can't put it off.  I have to keep saying that because I keep thinking I am such a loser and I am trying to justify it.

Drastically off topic, I want to say that after today's workout Isooooo don't want to gain 25lbs even when I am preggo! We had to run with sandbags and pull tires(me group had to run further rather then pull tires) and let me tell you that running with that 25lb sandbag wassssss tough!!! It didn't seem that bad looking at the workout on the board but when we got to actually doing them ughhh talk about sweating!!

Workout of the Day
Crossfit Delray Beach

500 meter row...there were a bunch of other things but I only got through the row because I didn't get there earlier to do a proper warmup.

3 Rounds for TIME(as fast as you can)
100meter Tire Pull
5 burpies
100meter Tire Pull
5 Burpies
100meter sand bag run
5 jumping squats
100 meter sand bag run
5 jumping squats
400meter run empty handed

MY TIME=24:28

The Air Force WOD

Today was a tough day. Work has just been crazy as always an Crossfit was soooo freaking hard I can't even explain it...

The rule at Crossfit is that for every minute you are late the entire team has to do 15 burpees...well a couple came in 5 minutes late so the entire team had to do 15 burpees.

Workout of the Day
Thursday=Crossfit Delray Beach
10 Reps of each exercise below w/ PVC Pipe
400m Row
5 Reps of each exercise w/ Empty Barbell / 
Row 400 M
For time:
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo
deadlift high pulls

20 Push jerks
20 Overhead

20 Front squats

Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees.

MY TOTAL Time:14:28

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Today's workout at Crossfit was called "Christine" and omg was she HARD! LOL..I seriously think that rowing is harder then running. I was sweating like a PIG.


500 M ROW


My time=24:14

Monday, March 8, 2010


I am pretty devastated about this knee injury and car accident. I just feel like nothing can go according to "LIFE" and pay bills, not work and pay car accident that was someone else's fault.

 Workout of the Day
"Strung-Out, Backwards, and Upside Down FRAN"
500 meter row
5 front squats

Run 1200 M
9 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters (95/65)
Run 800 M
15 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters
Run 400 M
21 Pull Ups
21 Thrusters

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend Update


Workout of the day=24hr fitness
50 WALKING LUNGES (each leg)


Thursday, March 4, 2010


I am sooooo sad. I have been working really hard for this marathon and I got my estimate for my car today and it's going to be $4,000k to fix which I pay $500 and another 20% of my deductible...I live on my own with a SINGLE income and it just sucks so bad when extra $$ needs to be spent.

I am SERIOUSLY considering pushing the Providence Marathon out 20 weeks to the Newport, Rhode Island Marathon, October 17, 2010.  The Newport Marathon is certified as a Boston Qualifier, CHEAPER, more beautiful, and 8days before my Birthday. I have cried and been in agony about this everyday since my car got hit last week....I just feel like I can never get a break.  Financially, it just makes more sense to wait until October. I was planning on running 2-3marathons this year. I can still run one in October and one in December. Since I will have already been trained

My brother, Jenny, and Esthel have listened to me alllll night about this. I feel sick to my stomach and have been cryyying, crying, crying. I have been training and working hard but something in my gut just doesn't feel right.  I am the type of person that has to do things with a clear conscious and not have things hanging over my head when it comes to money.

The State of Rhode Island has been a CURSE to me when it comes to the marathon for the past 2years! I have just wanted to get this state out of the way!!! I was supposed to run Newport last year but something happened where it just didn't work out!!

I am going to give it another seven days to make sure this is a decision that is final.  Ijust keep telling myself that 20 weeks is not a life altering event.  This whole money thing is just going to make me work even harder to get a sponsor for The 50/50 Project.  I don't know how I am going to do it but I am.

I am soooo sad. I feel like I need some type of confirmation that pushing it off 20weeks isn't that bad...I guess this is what the 50/50 Project is all about; it's chronicling  my journey through this whole process and it's not going to be easy...

Workout of the Day
Thursday=Crossfit Delay Beach

Row 500 meters
10 torso twists
10 Good Mornings
10 leg kicks
10 Squats

Technique and Development: Squat Therapy
worked on Squat techniques

150 wall ball shots for time
** a wall ball shot is where you squat down with a medicine ball as far down as sitting on another medicine ball stand up and throw the medicine ball up to the X on the wall.

50 situps
25 Goodmornings

My Time: 9:08
Medicine Ball Weight= 10lbs

Cool Down
400 meters

Quote of the Day
If there is no struggle; there is no progress-Frederick Douglas

***The pictures are a few pictures of Newport, RI

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Of course because of my sleep issues I did not fall asleep until 4am.  I did not go running before work because I had ZERO rest...My shins were killing me after todays workout so I rowed and then went in the pool and swam laps....while I was there I figured I would go in the steam room too! LOL

Workout of the Day
 Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach & 24hr fitness 

1000 M Row

Technique & Development: THE PRESSES
Seated on floor, legs straight out in front, feet flexed, torso tall. Every SECOND on the SECOND DO: Seated Shoulder Press (PVC) (60 secs) + 200 M Run

A. 20 Shoulder Press (45/33/22#) + max rep PUSH UP
B. 20 Push Press (add 10 pounds) + max rep PUSH UP
C. 20 Push Jerk (add 10 pounds) + max rep PUSH UP (record total # push ups)

3. 3 RM: (3-3-3) 
Moving up in weight each set, determine your 3RM for PRESS of choice

My TOTAL MAX Weight for Push Press= 55lbs 

12 LATERAL JUMPS over a 45lb plate

12 DOUBLE UNDERS (5:1 Singles)
** Double unders are jump rope

Cool Down
800meter  run

24 Hour Fitness Workout
10 min jog
1000meter row
10 laps in the pool  

**I was supposed to run 8miles today and I couldn't do it on the treadmill. It was AWFUL. I am going to run 4miles today,  and 8miles tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


In this picture are the girls that soooo happily volunteered to take a trip to LAS VEGAS!!! for my marathon in December.... It was freeezzzing, so we decided to go back in MAY! LOL...

I am getting very nervous about the race being only 60 days away....I have been doing a COMPLETELY different training regimen that I am used to... I am wayyyy out of my comfort zone.

I have been Crossfiting, weight training, and been doing sprint work which is supposed to translate into slower distance....however, I have been keeping my long runs in now that my knee is feeling a little better.

I am going to try and wake up to do my 8miler in the morning before I go to work. I have such major sleep issues that it is very difficult for me to get up and go running before work. I hope that the people that are so nice to come watch me in May are not disappointed if I get a bad time.

Workout of the Day
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach

10 AIR Squats 
10 second seated hip stretch / 
10 AIR Squats
3 FORWARD ROLLS (gym mats) 

Technique & Development: THRUSTER (3-3-3)

"Rob's WOD"

4 ROUNDS - Each round is timed exactly 2.5 minutes. There is a ONE MINUTE REST between rounds. In each round complete:

200 M RUN

My Weight =73lbs
My Burpies=16

Cool Down
800 Meter run 

Quote of the Day 
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever, win without a fight"--Rush (the Band)

Monday, March 1, 2010


I am just posting the Work out of the Day today because I am soooo tired from yesterday's 10miler and today's Crossfit workout was CRAZY HARD...

Workout of the Day
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach

3 ROUNDS of: 
50 M High Knees
50 M Butt Kicks 
10 PVC OH Pass 
10 PVC Torso Twist 
10 PVC Good Mornings  
10PVC Back Squats
Technique&Development: DEADLIFT

1 - Reg "Clean" Grip DL/ 1 - "Snatch" Grip DL/ 1 - "SUMO" Grip DL
1 CYCLE. Add 10 POUNDS every CYCLE for a total of 4 CYCLES.

1 ROUND =2 Min. Suicide Run (For Max. POINTS)
2 Min. DEADLIFT (For Total POUNDS)
Complete5 ROUNDS. REST 1 MIN. Between rounds. Score TOTAL POINTS and TOTAL POUNDS. 

My Score: 90 points on the suicides(YEP came in last my friends!)
6,059 points for dead lifts
83 total reps of 73lbs Deadlifts

Cool down
800 meters


Suicides-- set up 5 cones equally spaced over 50 M distance. Start run to furthest cone each cycle. Score 5 points for furthest, 4 for 4th, 3 for 3rd, 2 for 2nd, and 1 for 1st. Points only scored once back at start line. One complete cycle would = 15 points.


Total REPS x WEIGHT ON BAR = Total
Poundage for each round.

Quote of the Day
"Tomorrow is another day, and there will be another battle!"--Sebastian Coe