Thursday, March 4, 2010


I am sooooo sad. I have been working really hard for this marathon and I got my estimate for my car today and it's going to be $4,000k to fix which I pay $500 and another 20% of my deductible...I live on my own with a SINGLE income and it just sucks so bad when extra $$ needs to be spent.

I am SERIOUSLY considering pushing the Providence Marathon out 20 weeks to the Newport, Rhode Island Marathon, October 17, 2010.  The Newport Marathon is certified as a Boston Qualifier, CHEAPER, more beautiful, and 8days before my Birthday. I have cried and been in agony about this everyday since my car got hit last week....I just feel like I can never get a break.  Financially, it just makes more sense to wait until October. I was planning on running 2-3marathons this year. I can still run one in October and one in December. Since I will have already been trained

My brother, Jenny, and Esthel have listened to me alllll night about this. I feel sick to my stomach and have been cryyying, crying, crying. I have been training and working hard but something in my gut just doesn't feel right.  I am the type of person that has to do things with a clear conscious and not have things hanging over my head when it comes to money.

The State of Rhode Island has been a CURSE to me when it comes to the marathon for the past 2years! I have just wanted to get this state out of the way!!! I was supposed to run Newport last year but something happened where it just didn't work out!!

I am going to give it another seven days to make sure this is a decision that is final.  Ijust keep telling myself that 20 weeks is not a life altering event.  This whole money thing is just going to make me work even harder to get a sponsor for The 50/50 Project.  I don't know how I am going to do it but I am.

I am soooo sad. I feel like I need some type of confirmation that pushing it off 20weeks isn't that bad...I guess this is what the 50/50 Project is all about; it's chronicling  my journey through this whole process and it's not going to be easy...

Workout of the Day
Thursday=Crossfit Delay Beach

Row 500 meters
10 torso twists
10 Good Mornings
10 leg kicks
10 Squats

Technique and Development: Squat Therapy
worked on Squat techniques

150 wall ball shots for time
** a wall ball shot is where you squat down with a medicine ball as far down as sitting on another medicine ball stand up and throw the medicine ball up to the X on the wall.

50 situps
25 Goodmornings

My Time: 9:08
Medicine Ball Weight= 10lbs

Cool Down
400 meters

Quote of the Day
If there is no struggle; there is no progress-Frederick Douglas

***The pictures are a few pictures of Newport, RI

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