Thursday, March 25, 2010

Goal Setting& Visual Planning

Thursday. The day that I dread Wednesday night exercise wise.  Let me explain. Saturday's Crossfit seems to always be the hardest of the week. I take Sunday off but am still wayyyyy sore on Monday. Monday-Thursday I go to 4 days of Crossfit straight so by Thursday it seems like I can't move my body. It is such a great feeling.

I am not the greatest at Crossfit at all, but I have to say I really can't see myself EVER going back to the conventional gym.  At the end of every workout I feel the same euphoria as I do when I cross the finish line at a marathon. I also feel the same sense of accomplishment.  Although I am not a drug user, I feel high when I am done. My brother(as always) puts it best into words "It's an intense sensory experience that you can't explain to people who don't do it"-Jason Vieira Sr.

As with any program that I start I am a VERY visual person. During marathon training I make a marathon calendar just using the Microsoft Word Tables and I customize it with the Run of the Day& Workout of the Day. I color the box in Green when I complete that days RUN(this just gives me a positive look at being 1 day closer to the marathon), I color the Rest Days in Pink(red is too negative of a color. It reminds me of when I would do bad on a test and the teacher folded the paper and handed it to you), and then finally I would log the week end in mileage. i.e. 35miles for the week. I also keep a journal of injuries, goals, and health that day. Marathon training is wayyy more then just running. I need to be mentally focused and in it at all times. Those are just tools that make it easier for me. It's a lot of work!LOL...What's my point? Yesterday I purchased a Crossfit WOD(Workout of the Day) Workbook. In this workbook it has EVERYTHING that I need to reach my goals. It has allll of the BENCHMARK Workouts that we do. It also has goal setting pages and and tons of information that I need on the daily basis.  As you all know I will be doing the strict version of Paleo the month of April and in this workbook it has ALL the foods on the Paleo list.  It has The ENCOURAGED and NOT ENCOURAGED foods. It's great.  Always do for what works for you but I HIGHLY encourage you to use something visual to help you achieve your goals. Write down as much as you can that way 6months from that date you can go back and see your progress or things you may need to work on.

In today's world with process foods, chemicals, toxins, LIFE in general, it can be a constant battle of staying healthy.  We are constantly faced with the temptation of bad food choices. It seems at every street corner there is a Dunkin' Donuts, McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Wendy's. We are busy and find it easier to eat out and sometimes it's cheaper to eat out. I am embarrassed to admit that I am guilty at eating at all of the above(especially late night after a night of fun with friends). Here is the great news...Today is a NEW day, a new day for a fresh start. Don't wait until Monday. Start now.

Workout of the Day
Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

500meter row
10High Knees
10Butt Kicks 
10 Alternating Lunges 
10 Mountain Climbers
10 PVC Press
10 PVC Good Mornings 
2-3 Rounds
Technique & Development  
ROPE CLIMBS (3-5 Ascents) / Forward Rolls / Hand Stand Holds /Walks
1 ROUND = 
2 Min. Suicides
2 Min. Target Practice (get 3 points) + As Many HSPU=(Handstand pushups) in time left

My total Regular pushups= 27

2 Rounds
5 Knees to elbows
5 Ring Dips / 
50 Sit Ups

1 comment:

  1. Positivity and optimism. Now THAT'S what I like to hear from you!
