Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sand Bags

My taxes are finally done. I don't know why I procrastinate so much on doing them...It's not like they are difficult to do when you are single, have no kids and don't own anything....bottom line is that I was just lazy and kept them on my "to do" list.

Tomorrow I will be making my final decision about the Newport Marathon. My knee and my shins have just taken a beating and I am not prepared to not run ANY marathons just by pushing it out 20 weeks. It just isn't a logical choice. I have to say that I get pretty upset and irrational about my workouts and taking care of myself when I am hurt....RESTING and doing alternative workouts is the answer and I know that is the best option for me. IT's 20 WEEKS! Is it really that life changing that I can't put it off.  I have to keep saying that because I keep thinking I am such a loser and I am trying to justify it.

Drastically off topic, I want to say that after today's workout Isooooo don't want to gain 25lbs even when I am preggo! We had to run with sandbags and pull tires(me group had to run further rather then pull tires) and let me tell you that running with that 25lb sandbag wassssss tough!!! It didn't seem that bad looking at the workout on the board but when we got to actually doing them ughhh talk about sweating!!

Workout of the Day
Crossfit Delray Beach

500 meter row...there were a bunch of other things but I only got through the row because I didn't get there earlier to do a proper warmup.

3 Rounds for TIME(as fast as you can)
100meter Tire Pull
5 burpies
100meter Tire Pull
5 Burpies
100meter sand bag run
5 jumping squats
100 meter sand bag run
5 jumping squats
400meter run empty handed

MY TIME=24:28

1 comment:

  1. Everytime I read your posts I realize how fat I really am!! Sandbags REALLY!?!?! :-D
