Saturday, March 20, 2010

Transitions Detox Day 6

I had softball last night and didn't drink or cheat on the food detox when we went to the Ale House after the game! I had a tossed salad with Vinegar on side for the dressing, no croutons and no bacon(LENT), and a grilled turkey burger with no bun and a pickle!! YUM

Today I went to Crossfit as usual and I have to tell you that I honestly believed I wasn't going to get through it today. I kept saying to myself "OMG Please don't pass out, PLEASSSSE don't pass out"...It was that hard!! Seriously, probably the only workout so far that I actually questioned if I could finish it or not. I finished. See the workout under workout of the day for the workout.

After the workout my new friend from Crossfit went with me to the Farmers Market in Boynton. She had never been to this market before...we got soooo much produce and fresh fruit for soooo cheap. I really encourage you to look into finding where your local farmers market is and start shopping there. The food is fresh and doesn't have preservatives in it.  When you go the grocery store you will be soooo angry that you are paying $1 for 1 cucumber when you can get 3 for a $1 at the farmers market. I eat grapefruit because I love it and I got TEN grapefruits for $2!!! It's sooo great!

Workout of the Day
Saturday=Crossfit Delray Beach

500meter row
2 Rounds of:
10 over head passes
10 torso twists
10 arm rotations on each arm
10 leg kicks on each leg
10 overhead squats


Double Unders=Jump rope...I can only do singles which is 5:1

For Time:
75 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) =I used 10lb ball
800 M Run (Forward)
400 M Run (Backward)
40 Double Unders (5:1 Singles)=200 singles
40 Sit Ups
30 Double Unders =150 singles
30 Sit Ups
20 Double Unders=100 singles
20 Sit Ups
800 M Run (Forward)
400 M Run (Backward)
100 Air Squats

 My Total Time=37:15


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