Thursday, March 18, 2010

Newport Marathon Announcement

After getting my knee looked at, it was advised that running the marathon in Providence so early with it being in recovery(active) probably wouldn't be the best option for me. Rather then risk injuring myself permanently it saddens me to say that I will be pushing out the marathon until  OCTOBER 17, 2010...It will still be in the state of Rhode Island except it will be in NEWPORT instead.  I will be signing up for this marathon MAY 15, 2010 and it will be a done deal. I am VERY VERY VERY sad to have trained all this time and have to switch the date...buuuttt at the same time it's only 20weeks and my knee has been feeling better since I have been resting it...

I was so upset about this and was telling my brother how I trained all this time and now there is no end goal. He said "No training is ever done in vain"...I am just bummed because I was looking forward to it.  On the brighter note Newport is BEAUTIFUL and I am looking forward that part of it.

Now to the workout part of the day! What I LOVE about Crossfit is that EVERYDAY is different and EVERYDAY is challenging! i am EXHAUSTED every single workout.

Workout of the Day

"A l'il bit o' SECTIONALS"

In 2 Minutes Complete:
100 M Run
5 Man-On-Fire Burpees
* Kettle Bell Swings (32/24kg)**

Complete 5 Rounds for TOTAL # KBS.

* "Man On Fire"Burpees today will consist of one drop chest to deck, roll over 360
deg, finish burpee in a tuck jump

** Do AS MANY KBS as possible in time remaining before next 2min. round begins. 

MY Kettle Swings=61
Weight# 15lbs


400meter run with 25lb sand bag
50 situps

TOTAL= 1/2 mile run w/ 25lb Sandbag
100 sit ups


  1. Don't think of your training as preparation for an event. Think of it as an everyday activity to stay fit and regularly challenge yourself. It's like that girl who diets and exercises before a trip to Hawaii so she looks good in her bikini. She should be doing that EVERYDAY! Btw, I know your rolling your eyes right now because this is coming from the buffet king! LOL!

  2. I have to say that I really did roll my eyes because you have a great body and eat sooooo horribly!! I bust my ass to stay fit and then you eat BUFFETS!!! LOL

  3. Though it may sound like a let down that you're not able to run the RI Marathon in May, I wouldn't see it that way. You gotta make sure your physically and mentally capable to run a marathon (as you know of course) and if you feel like you're not there yet don't run....Marathon Meg doesn't walk to the finish line!!

    I'll still be there in October taking pictures and yawning while I wait for you to hurry up! haha!

  4. I'll mark my calandar for October and will be there to cheer you on!!

  5. awww Thanks Erin! I am super bummed about MAY! I trained all this time to have to run it in October! My knee is all inflamed and needs another xray :-(
