Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Transistions Detox Day 2

Today was day 2 of the detox. I don't really think of it as a detox tho. You are drinking herbal teas, and eating several times a day so I look at it more as just a life style change. I have not had a coffee in 2 days so that is a little tough considering that is my savior in the morning since I barely sleep at night.  Friday is going to be the TEST day because that is the day that I play softball and then after the games we always go to the Ale House and eat and drink...I will get a water and since it is still lent I will get a salad with no bacon or egg.

My knee is still hurting me. I think that I am going to look into getting some orthitics because I think that may help me. I don't know what else it could be. I have new shoes, I ice and heat my shins and my knee.

I am feeling VERY discouraged because besides a few slip ups I have been eating very clean and limiting the drinking and I work out alllll the time 5 days a week and softball 1 day a week. I don't know what else more that I could do. I don't want to take any diet pills but I am always inclined to take them because they work but it just isn't good for your body.  Besides that wouldn't even make sense to do that since the whole point of me doing this detox is to eliminate the chemicals and toxins out of my body. I go into Crossfit and just want to cry(not literally) alll the time because I am one of the biggest girls in the class and who wants to be the biggest one anywhere never mind a program that is allll about being healthy and physically fit...It is just soooo frustrating to me. I bust my ass EVERY SINGLE DAY and just feel like I stay the same. It's not a pity party but I just don't know what else to do.  I guess I will just keep trucking LOL...

Today's Crossfit workout was exhausting. I seriously could not do a one legged squat! haha...sooo not funny when you see other people to it like it's effortless and then there is me who hangs on to a resistance band for dear life squatting down on one leg! LOL...if we couldn't complete the the amount of reps in the workout provided below then we had to take the amount of reps we missed and times it by 2 and do that amount of burpees...i.e.you do 34 out of 45 box jumps then you missed 11x2=22 burpees! ouuccchh!! Sarah also decided to up the ante on the run, you had a choice to run 2miles on your own or run 1 mile with a 25lb sandbag, wellll I had every intention on rowing lmao and said ughhh Sarah I think that I am going to row on this one and she said uhhhh I think that you are going to run the 1mile with the sandbag...lmao...so I definitely came in last on the mile with the 25lbs sandbags.  Everyone else that was doing it totally kicked my butt.

Workout of The Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

"A Touch of Oahu"

You have 20 Minutes to attempt EACH of the below skills:
1. Unbroken Kipping Pull Ups (30/20)
2. 10 Unbroken Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
3. Unbroken One-legged Squats - each leg (10/6)
4. 45 20-inch Box Jumps completed in one minute

NOTES: If you
are unable to complete the prescribed skill, you must do TWO BURPEES for every rep missed. Eg: You do 15 / 30 unbroken kips = 30 Burpees. Do this for each event.

Part two: RUN 1 Mile with a 25lb sandbag (@50-60% ME)

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