Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Prepping for Proposition Day

Tomorrow starts the PROPOSITION...I will weigh in an post my weight and my measurements on Thursday. I will also make a link of my food diary so that way you can see what I ate, how may times I ate, and etc.  I always think it's a good thing to see the visual of the plan.

 I will be going to the Farmers market to stock up on all my fresh veggies and fruits. I will go to the grocery store and stock up on my meats and proteins as well. I also will be going out to eat at least ONE time during this process to show you that can order at a restaurant and still be healthy but feel full and satisfied.  In the next 30 days I will also be at a bar and show the tricks to looking like you have a drink, but yet there is no drink...I know more then anyone that it's difficult to start a new regimen and have to be so picky...Everyone around you isn't always on the same game plan as you. My biggest fear is at some point if I get asked out on a date and go to the restaurant I am not going to look like high maintenance by ordering my meal how I want it prepared. I will cross that bridge if/when I get to it but I figure that people with allergies have to order a certain way, why can't I order that way too?

I will have a lot to write about the next 30days. Sorry the last few entries have been a little short and boring...

Workout of the Day
Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Technical Development =5 rep Max for a push press
My 5 Rep Max= 73

Benchmark Workout- "Nancy"

400 M Run
15 OHS (95/65)

My Total Time=17:09


  1. Hmmm...looking like you have a drink, but yet there is no drink? Master Yoda would be proud. Disciplined you have become, the force I sense in you.

  2. ohhh god! I think you need to go back to watching sponge Bob! LOL
