Sunday, February 28, 2010

10 Miler Sunday

Today was ROUGHHHHH! I have been sick all week so the most I have been running is mayyyybe 2-3miles a day for 2-3 days and the pain under my knee caps have become unbearable...I have been icing and heating as much as possible.

I ran 10miles today or at least ran walked 10 miles today...I ran straight through to mile 5 and then slow jogged to mile 7. At mile 7 I stopped and stretched because I was super tight and my knees were killing me. I don't know what it is about this marathon I have all of these weird injuries I never had before so I am learning as I go.  Mile 7-10 I definitely had to walk run the last 3 miles...Bummed that the 10miles beat me but the most important thing is that I finished...ughhh hopefully it will get better.

The new DRAMA in my life is that my house alarm went off and would nottttt shut off...with that being said I had to call the emergency maintenance line to tell me to cut all the wires after taking the alarm off the wall...LOL...story of my life.

On another note I am being peer pressured to join eHarmony.  Is that suggestion meant to be helpful or insulting?  Is is really that difficult to believe that you can meet the man you are meant to be with while getting a coffee at Starbucks or looking at the overly priced produce in the super market? I am really not at the point where I feel the need to invest $60 on going on bad dates where the guy slips me over the bill to pay half. Sorry, I can not even afford to date. Love finds you, you do not find love.

Workout of the Day
Sunday=Long Run

800 meters-Light Jog

10 Miles
Route=up Linton to A1A. Take a left of A1A and run all the way down to Gulfstream Park and back


Quote of the Day
I'm allergic to marriage-Eddie


Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Night Softball

Tough Loss Tonight. 18-11

The spot under my knee is in excruciating pain....I have been ice ice ice icing it for 2weeks now and it's not getting any better. Don't know what to do at this point. Feeling very unprepared.

Workout of the Day
Friday=Fun Day

Quote of the Day
The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am.  Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can't do.-- Dennis Waitley

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Meg Gets Caught Slacking for 2 Seconds!!

I didn't get hit by any cars today but I am still recovering from the flu...MANNNN I hate being sick.  Today's workout was KILLER.  My Crossfit Instructor definitely called my a$$ out for being a little bit lazy today....the very second I think I can get away with not going 100% he's right there watching....Megan V. Whyyyyy are you not sitting all the way down on those wall ball squats??? Better, Beeeeteerrrr, bettttterrrrr, THERE YA GO come give me some dap on those....In my head I am like wellll hmmmm usually on round 5 at 10-11 wall ball shot I am pretty exhausted and I am sick...of course I would never say that out loud! LOL...

I am pretty disciplined but I am also human. I have my moments where I just am plain tired! Today was one of those days! LOL...

I have this INSANE pain underneath both my knee caps...Q(Crossfit Instructor) suggested I only run about 3 miles and rest and maaayyyybeeee 1 long run...and I said Q my race is in 8 weeks I am nervous, and he said well you will either do good or you will do bad and when you finish you just run another one....and I was like ohhh yeah I do have 47 other states to run hahaha...

Workout of the Day
Thursday=Crossfit Delray Beach

3 Rounds:
10 GHD Sits (sub reg.)
10 Back Extensions (sub Good Mornings)  
200 M Run

Technique & Development:
ALL LEVELS / LEVEL 2: SNATCH (5-5-3-3-3)
Review the Points of Performance for the SNATCH.
With PVC, as a group, work:
Then work 5-5-3-3-3 adding weight each set.
10 Push Press
20 DOUBLE UNDERS or 100Singles
My Total Rounds=8

***AMRAP=As Many Rounds as Possible
Cool Down
400meter run

Quote of the Day
"Listen to your body. Do not be a blind and deaf tenant."  -Dr. George Sheehan

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hit and Run

Today was HORRIBLE....I had a guy hit me at a light and run. I didn't have enough time to get his license plate..Ughhhh my car is soooo cracked up...It amazes me that he hit me so hard that he smashed the back of my car in and leaves and doesn't even care if I am hurt after I slammed my head on the steering wheel...Thanks a lot...

Today's workout was CRAZY HARD!!  Of course I came in last, yet again!!! Our warm up was a 1/2mile Indian run...An Indian run is where you have your team stand in a line and run, the person at the END of the line sprints to the HEAD of the line until the next person sprints's actually pretty exhausting!

Workout of the Day
Wednesday 24th-Crossfit Delray Beach

800meter Indian run

WOD #1: 2 Rounds for TIME (MG)
750 M ROW
20 Handstand Push Ups- I had to do push presses because I can't do handstand pushups yet
Total time:10:28

WOD #2: "GRIFF" (Benchmark HERO) (M)
800 M RUN (Forward)
400 M RUN (Backward)
800 M RUN (Forward)
400 M RUN (Backward)
Total Time:19:25

The 1/2 mile backwards run KILLED my time...I can barely run forward in a good time nevermind backward!! LOL

Meters to Miles 
400meters= 1/4 mile
800meters= 1/2mile
1600meters=1 mile 

Side note: ANYONE who races for a team in High School, College, Professionally etc., I TRULY believe the 1200meter race is the TOUGHEST race so PROPS to you!!  

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today was a HORRIBLE day! I woke up sick as a dog! I have been in bed all day with the exception of going to Walgreen's to get some Sudafed...apparently you can make crystal meth from sudafed so they keep it behind the counter and waste another 20mins of my time waiting in line to get something for $5 that I have no desire to make any kind of drug from..Quite frankly, I am not even smart enough to even know how to make a drug....LOL....God forbid should I take something that makes snot stop dripping out of my nose...I get so aggravated...When you are sick, and your nose is stuffy, you have a sore throat, your body aches like you got hit by a truck, and your head is pounding like someone took a hammer to it, the LAST thing on your mind is smoking crystal meth!! Give me the Sudafed and let me be on my way! Let me pull out my license that you do nothing with and wait with the 400 other people waiting in line for their prescription that is going to take 40mins for you to find because in that particular case their insurance doesn't cover that particular drug and now you have to find out why!! I could have checked out in the front of the store with the people buying 99cent chips, and that $10 bamboo plant that I have seen in the same spot for 4years that all of a sudden seemed to sell today! Soooo to all you crystal meth labs and addicts please find another medicine to cook your $h*t because my ass needs to be back in bed with the TV on and the dog next to me...Please and Thank you...

BTW:::On a side note, while I was at Walgreen's I did buy the Ice pack that wraps around your shins. I saw it on the Biggest Loser and I definitely love it so far...Hopefully tomorrow will be a much better day..

Workout of the Day

Quote of the Day
"I've been sick with the flu and a sinus infection. I missed almost five weeks of running." -Blake Russell

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ice and Heat

Ice, Heat, Ice, Heat....that has been my pattern tonight...I am pretty sure that I have shin splints from wearing the wrong type of shoes to Crossfit and running over my mileage in my last shoes....Damn! I can't STRESS ENOUGH the importance of wearing the right shoe.... it can never be easy for me! Just one time in my life I wish that just one thing would be easy, not handed to me, just easy!! ahhh!

Soooo random but does anyone ever watch couples ice skating? I feel like the only reason I got sucked into it tonight during the Olympics is because I don't necessarily think that ice skating is fun to watch but I watch because I am so nervous that they are going to fall! LOL!!

I soooo didn't feel well today at all...I seriously think with drinking and NOT taking care of my body is what made me sick...I am drinking lots of water and going to sleep!! I didn't go to Crossfit because I was sneezing and coughing all day and I HATE it when people are sick and then come to the gym and then get them sick...

Workout of the Day
2000meter row

Quote of the Day
"Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired."- Jules Renard

P.S. I love Ryan Buell from Paranormal State

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Single Life& Training

I realized training for this marathon is MUCH different mentally then the others....I have to figure out a way to balance the single life while staying focused on the original training plan....

"The Single Life"-the way of living where you only worry about yourself, have no emotional responsibilities to another human being, no commitment, and can come and go as you please with ZERO consequences...Great right?! For the most part I have to admit YES! LOL...but on the other hand in simple terms it sucksss at times.

It's really hard to train and be single...I would like to think that for the most part all of us want to be with someone at some point in our lives...when you are on the "market" you have to attend social events otherwise you will NEVER meet anyone.  You are not going to meet anyone sitting on your couch.  I have ran in COUNTLESS races, attended every social networking event, photography shows, softball, birthday parties, Crossfit, Spinning, Happy Hour, etc. and trust me ladies the "good" men are's not like college when you had 27,000 people that you could meet on any given day.  When you are older, have a career, been through breakups, I definitely think you know more about what you want in life and meeting that "someone" becomes extremely hard when "life" gets in the way...

Truth? All of those Happy Hours, and Parties, and Photography Events that I have attended have been ALL after 8:30pm...My friends have recently brought to my attention that I ALWAYS choose my running, my crossfit, and my "Spin Class w/ Barry"(as facebook knows) before anything else(of course weddings and things that have an actual TIME SET to be there are not included in that) my head I thought "well yeah, I am going to do what I want to do and Happy Hour can wait"...I spent almost 5 years with someone that I forgot to focus on things that I wanted to do, and now I am focusing on EVERYTHING I want to do and leave no room for spontaneity....When I am in a relationship I don't drink as much, I am much more focused on training because I don't need to be somewhere hoping Mr. Right somehow is going to just pop in my life somehow...

I am that girl that has my entire life on a schedule....My friend Damian said "So I know you are always busy so when in your calendar can you fit me in" annddd here is the worst part, I pulled out my blackberry and was sooo attached to my schedule that I said "3 weeks from now on a TUESDAY"...What a B*tch, seriously.....then just yesterday morning I slept in because I NEVER sleep and my friend Theresa said "Ohhh are you actually sleeping?! You didn't run a marathon today, or go to the gym, or go to Crossfit, or walk your dog, wowwww I am shocked"...

With all that being said, my friend/neighbor for my entire life came in to town and we hung out on Wednesday and Friday and it was a BLAST..I had such a great time just hanging and not worrying about being somewhere, and talking to someone from home was very comforting especially since he is a great guy and has a great family..I miss those moments here in Florida...and I decided to NOT do anything on Saturday OR Sunday except to go to the Street Painting Festival...I wanted to enjoy my life...I wanted to not run or sit at the end of my table writing with the cat on my lap trying to attack my arm as my fingertips hit the keyboard, or watch the dog sit next to me for HOURS with her 3 missing bottom teeth hoping that the little piece of turkey breast on my plate is going to fall on the ground so she could eat it.

I 100000% REGRET taking Saturday and Sunday off to "Enjoy my life"...I missed 2 MAJOR Runs a 7miler and a 14 miler...I drank, and ate like CRAP, and now I feel miserable...but here is the GREAT thing....tomorrow is a new day, I just have to move forward and get back on track...I have to keep my TRAINING as a PRIORITY...I had time to eat and drink and see street paintings, I should have made time to do what I was supposed to do...I watched my shows on DVR..If I had time to watch TV, and talk to friends, then I had time to go running....

Workout of the DAY
Sunday=Sleep and be lazy...Sleep=good, Lazy=BAD

Quote of the Day
"You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face"--Gatorade

Friday, February 19, 2010

Weekly Update-Red Box

We live in an era where you can run the world from your Blackberry, rent a movie on demand, and running to the store is't necessary because you can shop right online and have it delivered the next day...Red Box is the best thing ever!! Netflix is great too but I don't watch enough movies a month for that to benefit me....Red Box is a RED Kiosk that you can rent movie for $1 annndddd YES that includes new releases, and NO memebership is required.  You can reserve the movie you want right online so that way you don't have to worry about it not being there when you go pick it I barely look at "On Demand" because I can't see the point in paying $5.99 for a movie I can get down the street for $1....soooo if you are looking for a cheap way to spend the night you can make it a Red Box kind of night(as I always post on my facebook)...

Here is their website if you want to know the locations closest to you:
I believe most Walmarts have the kiosk in their stores too.

Now back to the workout portion of the day!! Last night's workout wasn't too bad...7 rounds for time(as fast as you can), 7 power Snatch, 7 box Jumps...

Tonight I will be playing softball and then going for a short run. Tomorrow and Sunday are going to be LONGGG runs...I haven't been on a 8-10mile run in MONTHS!  With that being said it looks like tonight I will be updating my ipod and then go to Red Box and rent a movie.

Workout of the Day-Thursday 18th
Thursday=Crossfit Delray Beach

1000meter row
10 kipping pullups
10 airsquats
10 kipping pull ups
10 airsquats

7 POWER SNATCH (95 / 65) 
7 BOX JUMP (30" / 24")

Total Time: 8:33

Quote of the Day
The great thing about athletics is that it's like poker, sometimes you know what's in your hand and it may be a load of rubbish, but you've got to keep up the front --Sebastian Coe

Thursday, February 18, 2010

10 x 400

Sorry about the NO ENTRY yesterday...I had an opportunity to go on a Yacht yesterday with an old friend!! Thank you Justin for letting me experience that beautiful boat! I am very appreciative...I had a great time! Unexpected night's are always awesome...The Reggae Band was AMAZING!!

Nowwww back to the workout portion!! Yesterday's workout was killer.  Usually on Wednesday's I do some type of tempo run or hill workout. We did 10 x 400meter sprints every four minutes....In simple terms sprint 400meters as fast as you can and whatever time you have left over under 4 mins then that is your rest time...

I had an adult personal record. 2:01 400 meter split!! YAY!!! still not fast enough but I will get there...there were girls running a 1:24 400 meter split...I couldn't believe it! They are AMAZING!!! These fast people are just pushing me and pushing me...I have to say that yesterday was one of my favorite workouts at Crossfit...Just sprint really hard and push yourself, that was the workout pretty much...

I will post my times from yesterday's workout as soon as they are available to me...I can't remember all 10 split times...

I will also be posting the Hump day Update later tonight...Every Wednesday I am going to post a topic of interest. I didn't have a chance to do that yesterday because I literally went from work, to Crossfit, to Ft. Lauderdale but I will get it done tonight.

Workout of the Day-Wednesday
Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Warm up
400 meter run

10x400 every 4 minutes
***will post times soon

Quote of the Day
"Run like hell and get the agony over with"--Clarence DeMar

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm the Fat Friend

Yesterday when I went swimming I felt like I had to do the walk of shame.  The walk of shame in this instance is leaving the locker room and having to walk down the entire edge of the pool in the gym where both men and women can see all of my imperfections in my bathing suit. I swear I was sweating before I even got in the pool.  Thank god for my towel and a one piece bathing suit!

I have to admit that I went at 9:15pm with the hopes that no one would see me.  Apparently the theory I had that no one would be there was WRONG...I was 1 of 2 girls and the rest all very attractive in shape males...I didn't want to leave the locker room because I HATE being in my bathing suit.

Last summer I went to South Beach with my good friend(which we aren't so great of friends now). South Beach is not what you see on television. There is not just hot guys and hot girls prancing around everywhere half naked...Grant you MANY of those people are on the beach but there are people of all shapes, sizes. Anyway, I was ALWAYS hesitant about hanging out with her and her boyfriends friends because I just don't think that they are good people but at the same time she has been my friend since I was 17years old and I didn't NOT want to go to the beach just because I don't like her boyfriend or his friends. Ohhhh booyyy did I regret my decision...I realized that day that you should always trust your instinct and if you don't feel that people are good to be around then DO NOT be around them...

That day in South Beach I had kept to myself and I admit I was very anti social. I didn't like the people I was around and honestly wanted nothing to do with them or what they were doing...I was reading my book and playing around in the water ALL day.  Towards the end of the day I was in the waves and I kind of panicked because the current was taking me out further and further. I was a little worried because I couldn't get thing you know I here HELP ME HELP me and there was this boy and he was way far out and he was just yelling HEL HELP HELP and at that moment I just reacted and swam out to him grabbed him and just swam in...the dad had ran to us and was soo Thankful....In the background those losers were just watching the whole thing and walked back to the car with the exception of one, he waited for me...

As I am recovering from the whole ordeal thinking about "what could have happened" everyone had already went back to the car...I remember feeling WOW they have no regard for people's life except their own...while I was saving a drowning kid apparently there was a whole different story going on with my friend and her boyfriend's friends on the beach....Apparently they were embarrassed to be seen at the beach with me because I wasn't skinny...They told my friend "Way to bring your fat friend to the beach"...and whyyyyy she felt the need to tell me is beyond me..It's actually just plain hurtful...

Sooo today I am going to post pics of myself of being The Fat Friend in a bathing suit....If I had pictures of me in a full bikini I would post them, but this is all I have...These pictures were taken about 5 weeks after the incident...BTW: I was in Mexico and it was a BLAST!!!It's just to prove a point to say if you are going to call me fat go stung at the time but it taught me a lesson  that some people are cruel and will judge you no matter what...they treated me after that comment like I was here you go, judge away....

I am guilty of ALWAYS feeling self conscious and constantly worried about what people think...We need to except our bodies and feel confident in who we are...If we don't like something then change it because YOU want to, not because someone else made you feel like you need to change.

Workout of the Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

500 meter row
400 meter run
20 air squats
20 kettle bell swings each arm light

Part 1: Burpee / Air Squat Ladder (Up to 12 Min.)
Part 2: 
15 KBS
400 M Run
Total Time: 12:37

Run=2miles  for total of 3miles

The Burpee Air Squat ladder was HARD!!! The Burpees ALWAYS get me!!!

Taking yesterday off was a great decision. I felt rejuvenated and ready to go today. Always listen to your body...there is nothing wrong with switching days off that better suit your needs.

Quote of the Day
 "Once you're beat mentally, you might as well not even go to the starting line"--Todd Williams

Monday, February 15, 2010

President's Day

I came home today from work, walked my dog, fed the girls, and laid on my bed for 2 HOURS...It was meant to only be 20 minutes. I could not move alllllll day. I was still sore from the Filthy Fifty at Crossfit on Saturday and the brutal race yesterday. I had to listen to my body and take an "active" rest day. I went swimming and stretched....I feel 100000% better and happy with my decision.

Tomorrow starts the week of the LONG runs.  Originally I had planned on ONLY doing Crossfit for training for the marathon...after running these few 5k's I am now back to reality!  I have to figure a way to get my running and my Crossfiting to work with my body.  I have MAJOR issues with sleep(which I will get into at a later time) so getting up and running before work 9 out of 10 times is a MAJOR challenge for me....

Sleeping those 2 random hours screwed me up for I am not going to be able to sleep!

Workout of the Day
Monday=24 Hour Fitness
Swimming and stretching

Quote of the Day
All it takes is all you got.--Marc Davis

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Race Day

5:42am, 45 degrees outside in South Florida, my cell phone rings to let me know my shortstop was up and ready to go....I would normally be very happy to know that on race day he was up and ready to go....HOWEVER, he sent me that message at 5:42am!! My alarm was set for 5:45am!  I am sure that most of you have been in that position where you wake up a minute or two before your alarm is set and it's sooooooo freaking annoying! LOL....that whole three minutes makes a HUGE difference in my day.

I have never claimed to be a morning person....actually, I have never claimed to be a morning, noon, or night person period.....I am either in a good mood or I'm not...anyone who really knows me can bank on me probably not being inthe best mood on Valentine's Day...

It's Valentine's Day and I am getting ready to run for a great cause, it's 45 degrees and windy as hell and as soon as I hit the hill ohhhh myyy goodness the tears just started uncontrollably rolling down my cheeks from the wind blowing in my mile 1.5 I thought to myself ohhh please let this be over...I will explain tomorrow in a better mood.

To make a long story short, today's 5k= BRUTAL....the AMAZING part of my day?...seeing my nephew and soon to be godson on Skype....he makes me smile ALL the time...

Workout of the Day
Sunday-5k Race
NAP in the afternoon
movies and dinner with friends at night!!

Quote of the Day
"What makes Valentines Day Special to you?....It gives me acid reflux"~Jamie Fox in Valentine's Day movie...LMAO

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Race Night!

I say this every single Crossfit workout but today we had the HARDEST workout EVER! I seriously can not move! LOL...

On a brighter note I switched out my Asics GT-2140's for the new model today 2150...I am not sure that I am going to be happy with my decision to run a race with brand new sneakers but I really couldn't run another mile in my old shoes....the cool thing is that with the Shoe Insurance I purchased at Sports Authority they give you a credit if your shoe is on sale. I went to renew my Insurance for $10 and the shoe was on sale for $94.99 instead of $99.99 and they gave me a $5 credit!! My total bill was $5.99 for a BRAND NEW PAIR of ASICS... How awesome is that!

I am not to happy about getting up at 6am on a Sunday, but oh well....I am going to try to sleep early tonight but I know that is not going to happen. Sophie Dog has been SNORING up a storm lately, and the cat well she is a whole different story.  She has be a night owl lately...playing and catching little Florida lizards that she has been bringing to me like I owe her a prize or something....I often wonder how those little buggers even get in my house! GRUHHHH-OSSS! LOL...Sophie is such a great dog though, I couldn't ask for a better dog...they both bring so much joy in my life...and they are great movie partners on the couch!

***Note: Sports Authority does not offer the Shoe Insurance on children shoes. Adult shoes only.

I am nervous right now for some reason...I think I am nervous because Mr. Shortstop said that he was going to run at "my pace"...that puts wayyyyy too much pressure on me...LOL...I like running alone isn't that weird??? I guess I feel like if I don't do well I only have myself to blame but if someone else is running with me and THEY don't do well that I am responsible for ME and Them...It will all work out..

Workout of the Day
Saturday=Crossfit Delray Beach
Run=light 2miles due to race tomorrow

50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
50 Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Total Time: 33:53

P.S. I truly HATE Burpies.
Quote of the Day 
"Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts."   - Steve Prefontaine

Friday, February 12, 2010


Softball got cancelled today. I think I might be coming down with a cold.I have been sleeping since I got home from work. Thank god it's a stormy night. I rented a movie but that might have to wait till the morning. I have a TOUGH workout tomorrow. The Filthy Fifty. I will let you know about that tomorrow.  The Filthy Fifty might be a bad decision since I am racing Sunday but somehow I got talked into it! Uhhh sometimes I need to learn to say NO.

Workout of the Day
Friday=usually softball but cancelled

Quote of the Day
"Go to Bed"-Megz

Thursday, February 11, 2010


 the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.

I woke up in a very blue mood. I don't know if it's Valentine's day coming up and being single, coming in DEAD LAST the running workout the day before, or realizing that none of my clothes in my closet fit anymore...I couldn't pin point the issue but I was just feeling sad....

I really was kind of bummed from the running workout yesterday so it got me thinking about HUMILITY for a while....

Background story: In the 5th grade we had at the end of the school year an event called Field Day which I am sure you are all aware of from your grammar school years.  There were several events like the 3 legged race, potato sack race, x country run, etc....I was so upset because the potato sack race was all filled up so I had no choice but to pick the X Country run which was like a 1/2 mile...ohhhh how I hated the last name Vieira at that time for 2 reasons, #1 you always had to sit in the back of the classroom because people were seated in alphabetical order, and of course I was blind as a bat and terrified to tell my parents I couldn't see because I thought I would get in trouble(how silly)...somehow I made it to 2nd grade without seeing a thing. lol...and the 2nd reason I hated being a Vieira was because in gym class and events like Field Day you always got the last pick of crap that no one else wanted because last names beggining A-T got all the good stuff like the potato sack race....anyway, I get stuck with the horrbile 1/2mile X Country started at this MOUNTAIN of dirt next to the baseball field where this girl Heather used to bully me everyday of my life so already I was dreading even walking over there to start in fear that my ass was going to be beat just by looking at the mound, and it went alllll the way down to the backstop down in the school yard where we played kicked ball and back to the "finish line" where the parents were, except mine because they were at work...moving on I will never forget that I was running to the finish line as a chubby 5th grader, with glasses drooping down my nose because I don't have a bridge on my nose for my glasses to stay on LMAO... I was 9 nine at the time what do you want from me??LOL...anyway picture this 9year old, chubby, afro'd hair girl running like a "Hippo" as Snookie from Jersey Shore would put it to the finish line...I come around the corner and this girl Elizabeth(I will keep her last name private) was a head of me and I promise you she definately wasn't part of the popular kids either....We were totally part of the "uncool kids"...She was chubbier than me and had black jean shorts on with a white t-shirt with little butterflies on it and I remeber this because I was so hurt by what happened next that it will always stick with me....she gets to the finish line and her mom was there. I was directly behind her and came in DEAD LAST...her mother put her arm around her and said "good job hunny at least you didn't come in last"...I wish I could say I was in a distance of an ear shot but NO I was directly behind her and that hurt my feelings so bad at the time...I felt worthless and so terrible about
myself...I am not kidding you when I tell you that from that day foward until present day I was so terrified about not necessarily the placement of being LAST, but the feeling of how I felt when I was last...

Soooo leading to yesterday's Running Workout, not only do I look around and realize that I am the biggest person there, I also came in DEAD LAST every single round...this time was different. I didn't care that I was last...I rememeber thinking oh my goodness these people are just going to make me faster if I keep running with them.  I mean comeeee onnnn I was running roughly a 2:04 400meter split time...that's not tooo bad in the scheme of things, but these people are just that good!! LOL...The cool thing about this group is that there are NO EGOS, no one acts like they are better then you, in fact it's just the opposite. They are the type of people that would come and run with you if you are last and and clap for you until you are finished...

I don't know what exactly my point was to this story but I do know what it feels like to ALWAYS wonder what it would feel like to be the best, or not feel like I have to lose weight BEFORE I start going to the gym...or wonder what it would feel like to walk into a room and someone think that I was the pretty one...All that stuff does not matter....If you are over weight don't worry about what other people think, get out of the house and start working out.  I promise you that people with  good hearts will be happy for you that you are changing your life....If you come in last in a race WHO CARES!! You Finished...what about the people that never even started because they were afraid? What about the people that are still unhealthy because they are too afraid to go and exercise because people will be looking at them...NO ONE is looking and if they are so what everyone is at a gym for the SAME purpose, to feel better, too look better, and be healthier!!  Throw HUMILITY out the window and just do it!

Workout of the Day
Thursday=Crossfit Delray Beach
No running today(usually I don't run on a Wed or Thurs)

15 WALL BALL SHOTS (20/14)
15 DOUBLE UNDERS (5:1 singles)
 My total rounds=6

Ohhh my goodness I felt like I couldn't even walk after that workout! Seriously Crossfit is AMAZING!

Quote of the Day
"Humility makes great men twice honorable"~Ben Franklin

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Weekly Hump Day Update-Shoe Insurance

As we are all aware times are tough in this economy. People are losing their jobs at an alarming rate and we have all had to cut back in one way or another. Gas prices are rising, a gallon of milk is over $3, and god forbid should we buy ourselves a cup of coffee in the morning because we feel guilty to spend that extra $2 on something we really don't need.

I like many Americans live paycheck to paycheck. After rent, utilities, car, gas, cell phone, school loans, there just never seems to be anything leftover!! andddd that's just the necessities...I haven't even EATEN yet!!! Soooo add groceries, and a credit card bill that I use because you know that your brakes, and 4 new tires that need to be put on your car never come at an appropriate time.... and just bare essentials that we need in life like toilet paper, shampoo, soap, woman's products, etc. I Look at all of this and wonder if I live to work rather then working to live. Which is it??!!!Now for the running community we have found something that can help our feet while saving money in our our pockets. Sports Authority now offers a $10 extended warranty insurance plan on shoes up to $100...the shoe MUST be replaced within 1 year of the purchase date in order for the warranty to be valid. I replace my shoes about every 500 miles so it definately comes in handy!
***NOTE: Sports Authority offers the warranty plan from $4.99-$15.99, it just depends on the price of your shoe. Anything over $100 I believe is $15.99. That is still a great deal when you are paying $130 for running shoes every 6weeks!!

How do they make money??? Pretty simple: they figure people will just forget that they have the warranty or just won't be bothered a year down the road to go back.. I definitely think that this is your best bet for purchasing a running shoe for $10 insurance.

Workout of the Day
Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach


0:00 - 2:00 - 400M Run
2:00 - 4:00 - 400M Run
4:00 - 6:00 - 400M Run
6:00 - 8:00 - 400M Run
10 MIN. HSPU=scaled,8lb weight=130

Quote of the Day

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or gazelle - when the sun comes up, you'd better be running."
- Inspirational sign on a runner's office wall

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The South Florida Wishing Well-Miles for Meso 5k

Amongst my many hobbies I also play co-ed softball on Friday night's for ADT Security. I don't know how this happened but the shortstop talked me into running this race on Valentine's Day. YES, YES, YES, I know it's for a good cause HOWEVER, Sunday morning at 6am is a little rough for me but I will still be there with a smile on my face!!! The money from the race goes to Mesothelioma Research. All kidding aside, I am happy to help support this cause along with my teammates..

The following written content is taken directly from the Mesothelioma Website for informational purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. For causes and treatments please visit for more information.

What is Mesothelioma???
Malignant mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the thin layer of cells lining the body's internal organs, known as the mesothelium. There are three recognized types of mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of the disease, accounting for roughly 70% of cases, and occurs in the lining of the lung known as the pleura. Peritoneal mesothelioma occurs in the lining of the abdominal cavity, known as the peritoneum and pericardial mesothelioma originates in the pericardium, which lines the heart.

Anyone interested is running this event please visit for more information and race registration.

81 days left. I am tapering with running a little this week due to the race on Sunday.

Work Out of the Day=W.O.D.
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach


Warmup - Per Coach


Kettle Bell Swing (24/16)=20

Box jumps (20/24)=3risers on Stair


400 meter run after each round


Total Time=17:57

Workout translation:

21 kettle bell swings, 21 box jumps, 21 burpees, 400m run=1st round

15 kettle bell swings, 15 box jumps, 15 burpees, 400m run=2nd round

9 kettle bell swings, 9 box jumps, 9 burpees, 400m run=3rd round--->call time after run is complete

Quote of the Day

"Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character." ~T. Alan Armstrong

Monday, February 8, 2010

Support System

In a perfect world on Superbowl Sunday you can eat and drink all that you want because the calories would not count, the Pats would be 19-0, go on to beat the Colts, and the Monday after would be recognized as a national holiday so you would not have to go to work...

In Reality, not only do the Pats not make it to the Superbowl, you over eat, drink way more then you should, and you have to get up and go to work the next morning...not to mention you feel like you are one chicken wing short of busting out of your pants that you just bought last week!

Now that reality has set in it's time to focus on the real issue at hand...82 days until the Big Day and I am nowhere near prepared!!! The good news??? I have two working legs, a pair of running shoes, an updated ipod, and an AMAZING support system consisting of Family, Friends, Co-Workers and lastly a POSITIVE ATTITUDE!!!

I really encourage any of you reading this that when you set a goal whether it is to start a new fitness program, take a dance class, learn how to play chess or even knit a blanket, tell someone(s) that you feel can really be a good support system for you....I PROMISE you this, goals are not always easily obtainable and when you feel like you have hit a plateau on that new fitness program, you can't get that dance move down just right that day, you really are not sure how to use your Knight in game play, or just frustrated you can not get that stitch latched those moments where you feel like quitting you can remind yourself that there are people who believe in you and that will help you get through those grueling days. If you feel like there is not someone(s) that can be your support system then go online and find a group that has similar interests as you and use that as an creative!

WORKOUT of the Day=W.O.D.
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach


10 KB THRUSTERS (R ARM) (Rx is 24kg / 16kg - scale wt. as needed)-15


5 STRICT PULL UPS -Jumping Pull-Ups

5 STRICT DIPS -Green assistance Band

400 M RUN

Total Time:22:06

Quote of the Day

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Start

I remember being 23yrs old and walking up the stairs to my 3rd floor apartment and when I got to the 3rd floor I was winded. I could not believe it. I thought to myself "WOW how did I let myself get this way???"...I sat on the couch with my boyfriend at the time, told him what had happened and I said "I think I am going to start running"....that very night I signed up for my first 5k(3.1miles) as an adult... My ex and I drove around my complex and measured the distance around the circle we lived in. 1.1mile was the verdict. Every day for the next six months I was determined to get back in to shape and run that 5k...I started out running to one telephone pole and then walked....ran to another telephone pole then walked...Each day I tried to go a little bit more...before you know it 1 mile became 2miles and 2miles became 3miles etc....

The BIG DAY came for the 5k and the very second I crossed the finish line I decided I was going to do a 10k(6.2 miles)...a few months later I was back in Magic Kingdom running a 10k...the same process went for the 10k, 4miles went into 5miles etc...each month the distance kept increasing...

The EXACT same thought came when I crossed the 10k finish line, at that very moment I wanted to run a 1/2 Marathon(13.1miles)...Exactly 1 year from my winded experience on the stairs I dropped 26 pounds and was crossing the finish line in Miami 13.1 miles later...

2 weeks prior to the 1/2 Marathon I had been diagnosed with a rare tumor called a Phyllodes Tumor that generally affects less then 1% of the world and within that 1% it is typically in women over 40 and who are generally Asian...go figure I was 24 and definitely not Asian just my luck...2 opinions later it needs to come out!

After the 1/2 Marathon I had the surgery and everything is PERFECT now!! Needless to say I stopped running for a while...September rolled around and I was packing on the pounds. I was depressed, emotionally eating, my relationship was on the rocks from the whole tumor experience, every thing seemed to be turning for the worse....One day I woke up and said it's time to run a marathon(26.2miles) now. I knew that training for a marathon was going to be time consuming and would keep my mind off of the negatives going on in my life...sooooo for the next 18 weeks of my life I had to restart my running process allllllll over again! One telephone pole, walk, 2 telephone poles, walk! Ohh my goodness I couldn't believe I had to start all over again!! 18weeks later I was back in Disney, dropped the weight yet again, and ran the Disney Marathon...

March, 2 Months after the Disney Marathon, my long term relationship was over...running came to a halt when I really should have used running as an outlet to get over a broken heart. After throwing about a 5month pity party for myself I decided that I was running the Vegas Marathon that December and my 18weeks of training started alllllll over again for the THIRD TIME!!! Walk, run, walk, run....18 weeks later I crossed the finish line in Vegas!

A Tumor, A Broken Heart, and 30pounds later brings me to 2009!! I am single, I am fat, and completely miserable! LOL....I realized that distance running was the one thing that made me happy in every negative situation possible...No matter what was going on in my life my running shoes and my ipod were my two saving graces...I had to set a race date! Setting a race date always gave me a goal to work towards...I was googling what I wanted to run next and accidentally came across this website: At that very moment I knew what my next goal was!!!!!! I decided I was going to run 50 Marathons in 50 States!!!! Since I have run Florida and Vegas already that meant I only had 48 states to go!!!

In the 50 Marathons Club one qualification is that you must complete valid marathons in 10 different US states. 2 down 8 to go!!!

I invite you all to join me on my journey across the UNITED STATES...I will experience the true beauty of America through running....

Next Stop: Providence, Rhode Island May 2, 2010....