Thursday, February 11, 2010


 the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.

I woke up in a very blue mood. I don't know if it's Valentine's day coming up and being single, coming in DEAD LAST the running workout the day before, or realizing that none of my clothes in my closet fit anymore...I couldn't pin point the issue but I was just feeling sad....

I really was kind of bummed from the running workout yesterday so it got me thinking about HUMILITY for a while....

Background story: In the 5th grade we had at the end of the school year an event called Field Day which I am sure you are all aware of from your grammar school years.  There were several events like the 3 legged race, potato sack race, x country run, etc....I was so upset because the potato sack race was all filled up so I had no choice but to pick the X Country run which was like a 1/2 mile...ohhhh how I hated the last name Vieira at that time for 2 reasons, #1 you always had to sit in the back of the classroom because people were seated in alphabetical order, and of course I was blind as a bat and terrified to tell my parents I couldn't see because I thought I would get in trouble(how silly)...somehow I made it to 2nd grade without seeing a thing. lol...and the 2nd reason I hated being a Vieira was because in gym class and events like Field Day you always got the last pick of crap that no one else wanted because last names beggining A-T got all the good stuff like the potato sack race....anyway, I get stuck with the horrbile 1/2mile X Country started at this MOUNTAIN of dirt next to the baseball field where this girl Heather used to bully me everyday of my life so already I was dreading even walking over there to start in fear that my ass was going to be beat just by looking at the mound, and it went alllll the way down to the backstop down in the school yard where we played kicked ball and back to the "finish line" where the parents were, except mine because they were at work...moving on I will never forget that I was running to the finish line as a chubby 5th grader, with glasses drooping down my nose because I don't have a bridge on my nose for my glasses to stay on LMAO... I was 9 nine at the time what do you want from me??LOL...anyway picture this 9year old, chubby, afro'd hair girl running like a "Hippo" as Snookie from Jersey Shore would put it to the finish line...I come around the corner and this girl Elizabeth(I will keep her last name private) was a head of me and I promise you she definately wasn't part of the popular kids either....We were totally part of the "uncool kids"...She was chubbier than me and had black jean shorts on with a white t-shirt with little butterflies on it and I remeber this because I was so hurt by what happened next that it will always stick with me....she gets to the finish line and her mom was there. I was directly behind her and came in DEAD LAST...her mother put her arm around her and said "good job hunny at least you didn't come in last"...I wish I could say I was in a distance of an ear shot but NO I was directly behind her and that hurt my feelings so bad at the time...I felt worthless and so terrible about
myself...I am not kidding you when I tell you that from that day foward until present day I was so terrified about not necessarily the placement of being LAST, but the feeling of how I felt when I was last...

Soooo leading to yesterday's Running Workout, not only do I look around and realize that I am the biggest person there, I also came in DEAD LAST every single round...this time was different. I didn't care that I was last...I rememeber thinking oh my goodness these people are just going to make me faster if I keep running with them.  I mean comeeee onnnn I was running roughly a 2:04 400meter split time...that's not tooo bad in the scheme of things, but these people are just that good!! LOL...The cool thing about this group is that there are NO EGOS, no one acts like they are better then you, in fact it's just the opposite. They are the type of people that would come and run with you if you are last and and clap for you until you are finished...

I don't know what exactly my point was to this story but I do know what it feels like to ALWAYS wonder what it would feel like to be the best, or not feel like I have to lose weight BEFORE I start going to the gym...or wonder what it would feel like to walk into a room and someone think that I was the pretty one...All that stuff does not matter....If you are over weight don't worry about what other people think, get out of the house and start working out.  I promise you that people with  good hearts will be happy for you that you are changing your life....If you come in last in a race WHO CARES!! You Finished...what about the people that never even started because they were afraid? What about the people that are still unhealthy because they are too afraid to go and exercise because people will be looking at them...NO ONE is looking and if they are so what everyone is at a gym for the SAME purpose, to feel better, too look better, and be healthier!!  Throw HUMILITY out the window and just do it!

Workout of the Day
Thursday=Crossfit Delray Beach
No running today(usually I don't run on a Wed or Thurs)

15 WALL BALL SHOTS (20/14)
15 DOUBLE UNDERS (5:1 singles)
 My total rounds=6

Ohhh my goodness I felt like I couldn't even walk after that workout! Seriously Crossfit is AMAZING!

Quote of the Day
"Humility makes great men twice honorable"~Ben Franklin


  1. I was just looking up Crossfit programs in my area. Looks awesome, but it's NOT cheap! I've been doing boot camps every Saturday. Hmmm...I wonder who got me into that?

  2. My brother and Sister in Law got me a 3month membership as a Christmas gift ever!! That was pretty funny seeing you get through Bootcamp tho! LOL

  3. I love the picture of dude saying are you done yet!!!!!

  4. Geez Meg your story about track & field day brought tears to my eyes. As a former track & field LOSER it brought back some of my own grade school insecurities. It wasn't until 5th grade when me and another of my short chubby classmates discovered the three legged race and we were so perfectly matched that we practiced at recess for months and won 1st place. That was the a turning point that I realized I needed to find activities that fit me instead of trying to make myself fit. This holds true today. I am so proud of you for what you have accomplished and I know you will continue to acheive. You are an Inspiration!
