Sunday, February 14, 2010

Race Day

5:42am, 45 degrees outside in South Florida, my cell phone rings to let me know my shortstop was up and ready to go....I would normally be very happy to know that on race day he was up and ready to go....HOWEVER, he sent me that message at 5:42am!! My alarm was set for 5:45am!  I am sure that most of you have been in that position where you wake up a minute or two before your alarm is set and it's sooooooo freaking annoying! LOL....that whole three minutes makes a HUGE difference in my day.

I have never claimed to be a morning person....actually, I have never claimed to be a morning, noon, or night person period.....I am either in a good mood or I'm not...anyone who really knows me can bank on me probably not being inthe best mood on Valentine's Day...

It's Valentine's Day and I am getting ready to run for a great cause, it's 45 degrees and windy as hell and as soon as I hit the hill ohhhh myyy goodness the tears just started uncontrollably rolling down my cheeks from the wind blowing in my mile 1.5 I thought to myself ohhh please let this be over...I will explain tomorrow in a better mood.

To make a long story short, today's 5k= BRUTAL....the AMAZING part of my day?...seeing my nephew and soon to be godson on Skype....he makes me smile ALL the time...

Workout of the Day
Sunday-5k Race
NAP in the afternoon
movies and dinner with friends at night!!

Quote of the Day
"What makes Valentines Day Special to you?....It gives me acid reflux"~Jamie Fox in Valentine's Day movie...LMAO

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