Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Single Life& Training

I realized training for this marathon is MUCH different mentally then the others....I have to figure out a way to balance the single life while staying focused on the original training plan....

"The Single Life"-the way of living where you only worry about yourself, have no emotional responsibilities to another human being, no commitment, and can come and go as you please with ZERO consequences...Great right?! For the most part I have to admit YES! LOL...but on the other hand in simple terms it sucksss at times.

It's really hard to train and be single...I would like to think that for the most part all of us want to be with someone at some point in our lives...when you are on the "market" you have to attend social events otherwise you will NEVER meet anyone.  You are not going to meet anyone sitting on your couch.  I have ran in COUNTLESS races, attended every social networking event, photography shows, softball, birthday parties, Crossfit, Spinning, Happy Hour, etc. and trust me ladies the "good" men are's not like college when you had 27,000 people that you could meet on any given day.  When you are older, have a career, been through breakups, I definitely think you know more about what you want in life and meeting that "someone" becomes extremely hard when "life" gets in the way...

Truth? All of those Happy Hours, and Parties, and Photography Events that I have attended have been ALL after 8:30pm...My friends have recently brought to my attention that I ALWAYS choose my running, my crossfit, and my "Spin Class w/ Barry"(as facebook knows) before anything else(of course weddings and things that have an actual TIME SET to be there are not included in that) my head I thought "well yeah, I am going to do what I want to do and Happy Hour can wait"...I spent almost 5 years with someone that I forgot to focus on things that I wanted to do, and now I am focusing on EVERYTHING I want to do and leave no room for spontaneity....When I am in a relationship I don't drink as much, I am much more focused on training because I don't need to be somewhere hoping Mr. Right somehow is going to just pop in my life somehow...

I am that girl that has my entire life on a schedule....My friend Damian said "So I know you are always busy so when in your calendar can you fit me in" annddd here is the worst part, I pulled out my blackberry and was sooo attached to my schedule that I said "3 weeks from now on a TUESDAY"...What a B*tch, seriously.....then just yesterday morning I slept in because I NEVER sleep and my friend Theresa said "Ohhh are you actually sleeping?! You didn't run a marathon today, or go to the gym, or go to Crossfit, or walk your dog, wowwww I am shocked"...

With all that being said, my friend/neighbor for my entire life came in to town and we hung out on Wednesday and Friday and it was a BLAST..I had such a great time just hanging and not worrying about being somewhere, and talking to someone from home was very comforting especially since he is a great guy and has a great family..I miss those moments here in Florida...and I decided to NOT do anything on Saturday OR Sunday except to go to the Street Painting Festival...I wanted to enjoy my life...I wanted to not run or sit at the end of my table writing with the cat on my lap trying to attack my arm as my fingertips hit the keyboard, or watch the dog sit next to me for HOURS with her 3 missing bottom teeth hoping that the little piece of turkey breast on my plate is going to fall on the ground so she could eat it.

I 100000% REGRET taking Saturday and Sunday off to "Enjoy my life"...I missed 2 MAJOR Runs a 7miler and a 14 miler...I drank, and ate like CRAP, and now I feel miserable...but here is the GREAT thing....tomorrow is a new day, I just have to move forward and get back on track...I have to keep my TRAINING as a PRIORITY...I had time to eat and drink and see street paintings, I should have made time to do what I was supposed to do...I watched my shows on DVR..If I had time to watch TV, and talk to friends, then I had time to go running....

Workout of the DAY
Sunday=Sleep and be lazy...Sleep=good, Lazy=BAD

Quote of the Day
"You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face"--Gatorade


  1. Sometimes you need to just take a break to recharge your batteries.

  2. I agree, however taking 2 major runs off was not a smart idea...I am going to run the 7miler today...

  3. finding the perfect balance is always difficult but you will find what balance of exercise and social works for you! I am lucky my gym is open 24 hours so I can get up at the but crack of dawn to workout so I dont' miss morining cuddle time with my little munchkin! We all find it and you will too! Love ya!

  4. Erin finding balance is difficult absolutely! I could never be up at crack of dawn like you do and balance a family! I admire that!

    Chilirones I will have you know that boiled chicken and boiled turkey tastes good! LOL
