Friday, February 19, 2010

Weekly Update-Red Box

We live in an era where you can run the world from your Blackberry, rent a movie on demand, and running to the store is't necessary because you can shop right online and have it delivered the next day...Red Box is the best thing ever!! Netflix is great too but I don't watch enough movies a month for that to benefit me....Red Box is a RED Kiosk that you can rent movie for $1 annndddd YES that includes new releases, and NO memebership is required.  You can reserve the movie you want right online so that way you don't have to worry about it not being there when you go pick it I barely look at "On Demand" because I can't see the point in paying $5.99 for a movie I can get down the street for $1....soooo if you are looking for a cheap way to spend the night you can make it a Red Box kind of night(as I always post on my facebook)...

Here is their website if you want to know the locations closest to you:
I believe most Walmarts have the kiosk in their stores too.

Now back to the workout portion of the day!! Last night's workout wasn't too bad...7 rounds for time(as fast as you can), 7 power Snatch, 7 box Jumps...

Tonight I will be playing softball and then going for a short run. Tomorrow and Sunday are going to be LONGGG runs...I haven't been on a 8-10mile run in MONTHS!  With that being said it looks like tonight I will be updating my ipod and then go to Red Box and rent a movie.

Workout of the Day-Thursday 18th
Thursday=Crossfit Delray Beach

1000meter row
10 kipping pullups
10 airsquats
10 kipping pull ups
10 airsquats

7 POWER SNATCH (95 / 65) 
7 BOX JUMP (30" / 24")

Total Time: 8:33

Quote of the Day
The great thing about athletics is that it's like poker, sometimes you know what's in your hand and it may be a load of rubbish, but you've got to keep up the front --Sebastian Coe


  1. Could you please explain to me what a POWER SNATCH is!!!!

  2. Chilirones assuming that you are being serious, I have posted a link where you can see the demonstration of a POWER SNATCH! Lol...

  3. Meg, could you break down your workouts a bit more? I don't even know what you mean half the time, I'm not familiar with these names. I feel athletically stupid reading this.
