Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm the Fat Friend

Yesterday when I went swimming I felt like I had to do the walk of shame.  The walk of shame in this instance is leaving the locker room and having to walk down the entire edge of the pool in the gym where both men and women can see all of my imperfections in my bathing suit. I swear I was sweating before I even got in the pool.  Thank god for my towel and a one piece bathing suit!

I have to admit that I went at 9:15pm with the hopes that no one would see me.  Apparently the theory I had that no one would be there was WRONG...I was 1 of 2 girls and the rest all very attractive in shape males...I didn't want to leave the locker room because I HATE being in my bathing suit.

Last summer I went to South Beach with my good friend(which we aren't so great of friends now). South Beach is not what you see on television. There is not just hot guys and hot girls prancing around everywhere half naked...Grant you MANY of those people are on the beach but there are people of all shapes, sizes. Anyway, I was ALWAYS hesitant about hanging out with her and her boyfriends friends because I just don't think that they are good people but at the same time she has been my friend since I was 17years old and I didn't NOT want to go to the beach just because I don't like her boyfriend or his friends. Ohhhh booyyy did I regret my decision...I realized that day that you should always trust your instinct and if you don't feel that people are good to be around then DO NOT be around them...

That day in South Beach I had kept to myself and I admit I was very anti social. I didn't like the people I was around and honestly wanted nothing to do with them or what they were doing...I was reading my book and playing around in the water ALL day.  Towards the end of the day I was in the waves and I kind of panicked because the current was taking me out further and further. I was a little worried because I couldn't get in...next thing you know I here HELP ME HELP me and there was this boy and he was way far out and he was just yelling HEL HELP HELP and at that moment I just reacted and swam out to him grabbed him and just swam in...the dad had ran to us and was soo Thankful....In the background those losers were just watching the whole thing and walked back to the car with the exception of one, he waited for me...

As I am recovering from the whole ordeal thinking about "what could have happened" everyone had already went back to the car...I remember feeling WOW they have no regard for people's life except their own...while I was saving a drowning kid apparently there was a whole different story going on with my friend and her boyfriend's friends on the beach....Apparently they were embarrassed to be seen at the beach with me because I wasn't skinny...They told my friend "Way to bring your fat friend to the beach"...and whyyyyy she felt the need to tell me is beyond me..It's actually just plain hurtful...

Sooo today I am going to post pics of myself of being The Fat Friend in a bathing suit....If I had pictures of me in a full bikini I would post them, but this is all I have...These pictures were taken about 5 weeks after the incident...BTW: I was in Mexico and it was a BLAST!!!It's just to prove a point to say if you are going to call me fat go ahead...it stung at the time but it taught me a lesson  that some people are cruel and will judge you no matter what...they treated me after that comment like I was 400lbs...so here you go, judge away....

I am guilty of ALWAYS feeling self conscious and constantly worried about what people think...We need to except our bodies and feel confident in who we are...If we don't like something then change it because YOU want to, not because someone else made you feel like you need to change.

Workout of the Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

500 meter row
400 meter run
20 air squats
20 kettle bell swings each arm light

Part 1: Burpee / Air Squat Ladder (Up to 12 Min.)
Part 2: 
15 KBS
400 M Run
Total Time: 12:37

Run=2miles  for total of 3miles

The Burpee Air Squat ladder was HARD!!! The Burpees ALWAYS get me!!!

Taking yesterday off was a great decision. I felt rejuvenated and ready to go today. Always listen to your body...there is nothing wrong with switching days off that better suit your needs.

Quote of the Day
 "Once you're beat mentally, you might as well not even go to the starting line"--Todd Williams


  1. Yeah that day was pretty awful...Jenny I think that you are pissed because you know the more detailed scenario of the situation...

    Also, the "f" word can be offensive to people so let's try to use other words...

    Here is a burpee:

  2. I only get burpees when I have had a couple of beers!!!!! Is that the same? LOL

  3. I happen to know that chilirones gets burpees and fartees when he drinks beer AND when he eats tacos, chili, pizza, mushrooms, onions, garlic and many other things. BUT thats not really the point is it. How about ASSHOLES is that offensive to anyone? Because I think the people you are talking about are assholes!

  4. Wow Chilirones! it seems like you better find some foods that don't make you so gasy! LOL

    Assholes are an appropriate noun for them :-)...

    ohhh Douche bags are a good one too!

  5. Man did this story really irk me. I'm glad you dis-associate yourself from people like them. Your quote of the day is a perfect assessment of how you dealt with this issue. Nice pics too!

  6. Mark, it was a pretty hurtful day but at same time it's just a reality that people like that exist...I can either let it bother me or not...i let it bother me for like a WEEK! thennn I channeled the hurt into something positive :-)...screw them!
