Monday, February 8, 2010

Support System

In a perfect world on Superbowl Sunday you can eat and drink all that you want because the calories would not count, the Pats would be 19-0, go on to beat the Colts, and the Monday after would be recognized as a national holiday so you would not have to go to work...

In Reality, not only do the Pats not make it to the Superbowl, you over eat, drink way more then you should, and you have to get up and go to work the next morning...not to mention you feel like you are one chicken wing short of busting out of your pants that you just bought last week!

Now that reality has set in it's time to focus on the real issue at hand...82 days until the Big Day and I am nowhere near prepared!!! The good news??? I have two working legs, a pair of running shoes, an updated ipod, and an AMAZING support system consisting of Family, Friends, Co-Workers and lastly a POSITIVE ATTITUDE!!!

I really encourage any of you reading this that when you set a goal whether it is to start a new fitness program, take a dance class, learn how to play chess or even knit a blanket, tell someone(s) that you feel can really be a good support system for you....I PROMISE you this, goals are not always easily obtainable and when you feel like you have hit a plateau on that new fitness program, you can't get that dance move down just right that day, you really are not sure how to use your Knight in game play, or just frustrated you can not get that stitch latched those moments where you feel like quitting you can remind yourself that there are people who believe in you and that will help you get through those grueling days. If you feel like there is not someone(s) that can be your support system then go online and find a group that has similar interests as you and use that as an creative!

WORKOUT of the Day=W.O.D.
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach


10 KB THRUSTERS (R ARM) (Rx is 24kg / 16kg - scale wt. as needed)-15


5 STRICT PULL UPS -Jumping Pull-Ups

5 STRICT DIPS -Green assistance Band

400 M RUN

Total Time:22:06

Quote of the Day

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

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