Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tropical Storm

We had a really bad Tropical Storm. I didn't work out because it was just raining ridiculously! I didn't want to leave my house because it was the type of rain that was falling so hard you couldn't even see the car or the lights in front of of you...call it an excuse if you want, but I was genuinely nervous driving so I parked my behind on my couch and read my book. I am reading the most AMAAAZZZINNGGG book right now called: My Journey into the Unknown written by Ryan Buell. I should be finished with it this week and I will talk about it after the book is complete....400 pages! DAMN! LOL..I am reading through it fairly quickly though...I am on page 260 and have only read it in like 3 days...do expect me to profess my love to a guy I have never met! Just Kidding of course!

Workout of the Day

Monday, September 27, 2010


When you are in a relationship and it ends, "they" say that it takes half the time you were with someone to get over them. I have to say that it definitely took me a long time to get over my ex, however, why does it still hurt when I see him with the girl he left me for(now his fiance), bought her a house within 4 months, and a ring within a year.  I often wonder why we stayed together all of those years if he knew that I wasn't the right one.

I am the classic example of girl meets guy, spends 5 years with them, then they break up with you for some receptionist and all of a sudden they have become the man you want them to be. Let's be honest you can't change a person. What is the saying? "You can't change the spots on a leopard"....It's all smokes and mirrors ladies. Everything you didn't like about them before you broke up will still be exactly the same after you break up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they go ahead and lose a few pounds, get haircuts on the regular and all of a sudden they seem to dress and look the best they ever have. Trust me when I say that it's only temporary. The 25lbs he lost when you break up comes right back on when they get comfortable again. It's a Bait and Switch I tell ya!!

When we first broke up I PATHETICALLY said and then asked: I don't understand, what does she have that I don't? I thought that I was going to get the typical answer of "She's funny, she's smart, she's beautiful" and I got something that was shocking and it changed my whole outlook on him. He the FIRST things out of his mouth he said to me: "She cooks for me, she cleans for me, and she doesn't mind ironing my shirts and I think that she is selfless"...so basically he wanted a house wife. That is COMPLETELY fine however when we first got together it was made very clear that my career comes first and getting into a financial position where when we got married we would have a cushion where we could have started a family...Typical old school Portuguese guy that wants his wife at home cooking, cleaning, bearing his children...Even though we didn't work out I always believed and still believe the one thing he will be amazing at is being a dad. That was actually the most attractive thing about him to me.

Where does this all come from? I was playing softball Friday night and he and his future wife sat directly next to me at The Ale House when I was sitting with my softball team. My heart fell in my stomach. I don't know why we as women always blame the other girl when it's the guy! I have no ill will towards her at all, however, I definitely admit I size her up and put myself on a wayyyy higher pedestal when I am sure that she is actually a really nice person. I hate that about myself that I can be so childish.  Sometimes when he sees me and we speak I think that he is secretly happy that I am alone...and when I see him I still think two things "#1 it's weird when you spend all of these years with someone and you look at them now and you barely even know them....and #2 Wow that kid could never be alone. He has always been in one relationship after another"

 I do get very sad some days but I say to myself "Thank GOD I didn't settle". Sometimes when we are comfortable we have a tendency to stay content because the unknown is too scary. Usually when I have a freak out my brother sends me every bad quality that I used to hate about him and then I feel better! thanks Jason!

My time will come.

Workout of the Day
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Group Warmup: 
2 Rounds of:

10 x Arm Circles (each arm)
10 x Torso Twist
10 x Wrist Circles (each arm)
Handstand Holds (10 - 15 Sec)
Hang from Pull Up Bar (10 - 15 Sec)
5 Push Ups
5 Mtn Climbers
10 Air Squats
100 M Jog

Technique & Development: OVERHEAD SQUATS

Warmup Sets: In Unison, Lead by Coach (TEMPO)

A1: Overhead Squats @ 3211; 8 Reps; Rest 30 Secs; 3 Sets (++ Load per set / w.u)
A2: Mobility Hip Stretch; 30 Secs each side; 3 Sets
A3: Pelvic Tilt Stretch; 2 ft / single leg each side; 20 sec each, 3 Sets

Work Sets: Overhead Squats

Beginners: OHS @ 3211; 6-8 Reps; Rest 30 Sec; 3-4 Sets**
** Only increase load as mechanics perfected

Int / Advanced: 3-3-3-1-1* / Rest 3 Min. / Max Reps @ 75%

* Work until you fail at your 1RM for today. Upon failure, rest 3 MINUTES. Then reload bar to 75% of failed load. Execute 1 SET OF AMRAP OHS at this load (75% of 1RM).


25 Burpees
Then: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Hang Power Cleans (115 / 75)
Front Squats (115 / 75)

**I modified and did deadlifts instead of front squats because my knee was bothering me

My time= 12:22
My Weight= 53lbs

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Nutrition Consult

I had a nutrition consult today. It was nothing like I expected and I am actually really disappointed in the whole approach to the program. I had been "selected" as one of the members of my Crossfit team to be a part of this nutrition program and I would have one free consult and if I choose to continue the program then there would be an additional charge. Where I am grateful to be thought of I kind of thought about it and I don't think that one skinny person was picked to be a part of the program. Is nutrition not nutrition no matter what size you are? Can't skinny people also benefit? Either way at the end of the day you know what I got out of the consult? Eat breakfast. UMMMM DUHHH! Now you want me to pay $100 to continue? I think I am ok NOT doing the program.

Workout of the Day

Monday, September 20, 2010

No "Sweat"

What a lonnnnnggg weekend. Partied in South Beach, partied in Ft. Lauderdale, partied after softball and got to see the ex with the new fiance...talk about making my heart drop walking into a restaurant! "They" say that after breakups you should always make sure that you look your best when you are out in public just in case you run into your ex. Well of course that wasn't the case. I had  my hair back, wore my sweat pants, a black wife beater and my blue softball uniform...sexxxy momma! NOT!

Workout of the Day

My 2RM=95

400 M RUN
Kettle Bell Swings*
Pull Ups*
400 M RUN
* Loads: Beginners scale to 12kg / Jump Band PU; Rx is 24kg/16kg & Kips; Rx+ is 32kg / 24kg & C2B

My Time:11:13

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Seriously, Again?

I ran 2.25 miles today in addition to Crossfit. I almost can't believe I am this boat yetttt againnn! It's ridiculous. I was tired after 2 miles! WTF!! How is this possible when I workout alllll the time! I honestly can't workout and run more then I do right now...

Running Workout

Workout of the Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach


A1: Strict Pull Ups @ 4011; 6 Reps; Rest 30 Seconds; 3 Sets
A2: Hold the top of Pull Up (Chin over bar) @ 20-30 Seconds; Rest 30 Seconds; 3 Sets
B1: Strict Dips @ 4011; 6 Reps; Rest 30 Seconds; 3 Sets
B2: Hold the BOTTOM of Dip (Shoulders below elbow crease) @ 20-30 Seconds; Rest 30 Seconds; 3 Sets
C1: Push Ups @ 4011; 6 Reps; Rest 30 Seconds; 3 Sets
C2: Hold the BOTTOM of Push Up (Flat plank position, hovering just above ground) @ 20-30 Seconds; Rest 30 Seconds; 3 Sets
D1: Kettle Bell Swings - 20 Reps (set 1), 25 Reps (set 2), 30 Reps (set 3) UNBROKEN; Rest 30 Seconds; 3 Sets
D2: Double Unders - 20 Reps (set 1), 25 Reps (set 2), 30 Reps (set 3) UNBROKEN: Rest 30 Seconds; 3 Sets*
* If you BREAK the set, you must start over. Scale loads and total reps per set if beginner.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jury Duty

Jury Duty is our responsibility as an American Citizen and it makes our Justice system complete.  I actually find it a privilege that I get to be part of such an important role in Due Process...on a side not how do people take 2-3weeks off from work to be on a jury that pays $30 a day after 3 days? I think the jury selection process would be better if they compensated the Juror's to a pay that was comparable to their job that way the selection of people would be more...Who can take off work for $15 a day for 3+ weeks? That is just unreasonable...

I sat there the entire day and watched movies. I have to say though it was a nice break from the regular day job.I actually don't mind sitting there. I am not a fan of West Palm though. I was trying to figure out which court house had the wackiest people; Fall River or West Palm Beach? My conclusion= TIE...

Have you ever seen the episode of Sex and the City where Carrie Bradshaw sat next to this guy in Jury Duty who carried a Coconut in his brief case? Well the court house I was at I was hoping that a Cocnut was the only thing people carried in their brief case! haha..Wack Jobs I tell you...Another observation that I made that actually just astounds me is people's attire. I am not saying that you have to go buy a suit for Jury Duty but at least dress appropriately where you don't look like you are going to the beach. I find it so disrespectful to wear a tank top and flip flops to a Court! I think to myself ummmmm hellloooo where did you think that you were going today? The Beach? Like Judge Judy says "You Can't fix Stupid"....needless to say 8am-4pm I did not get picked for the Jury...

I was so Dead Tired because I went to Crossfit Saturday and Sunday that I used today as a Rest day!

Workout of the Day

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Slow and Steady Wins the Race....NOT

I don't even know what to say about today. All I know is that I showed up and put the work in. I came in pretty much dead last next to two people that have injuries so that doesn't even count. Some days you have it and some days you don't...

It's funny because "they" say that many of your insecurities come from events that happened in your childhood. I don't know who follows regularly but a while back I told this story about a field day event in the 5th grade where I ran a XCountry race and I came in last and a mother of the girl that finished right before me said " that's OK honey at least you didn't come in last," which in turn at 9 years old made me feel horrible about myself...at the time I didn't know what bothered me more, the fact that I came in last and someone hurt my feelings, or I was the only kid without a parent there...let me make it clear I was NINE and I get now that my parents were working to provide a good life for me...

The point of the recap is that since that day in the 5th grade I have always had this fear of coming in last....Ultimately, do you know how ridiculous that sounds!! Who really care what place someone comes in at CROSSFIT, or a Race, or anything...it's actually pretty laughable when you think about it...oh well, I am human and have a million and one insecurities, coming in last happens to be one of them...

Running WOD
running in Crossfit....see xfit wod

Workout of the Day
Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Group Warmup:
250 M ROW

Technique & Development: DIPS

Beginner Progression (Banded or Jumping):

DIPS @ 3011; 4-6 Reps; 5 Sets; Rest in Rotation
Working 3 Count Negative, Shoulders dip below elbow crease, Press up to full ext.

Advanced Progression: Strict & Weighted - Find 1RM Weighted Dip (Stationary)


7 THRUSTERS (95/65)
1 x 200 M RUN.

My Time=4:48 

1 x 400 M RUN.

My Time=12:15

1 x 800 M RUN.
My Time=22:53
Weight= 53lbs

**Time was on a continuously running clock

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Firing Squad

Sooooo verryyyyyy soreeee! I honestly think I need to get a massage...Almost EIGHT months of my body going through this Crossfit Program! What started out as a gift became a complete lifestyle change...It's absolutely crazy how addicting this program is!!

Me and 2 other members were pulled out in front of the entire class today because apparently there is "No reason why we don't have our double unders down"...well I hate to break it to the world but I am not exactly Rocky Balboa. I am lucky to jump a single rep rope nevermind two! The truth is that I can only do Double Unders with a single in between. I didn't think that counted so I never do them doing the workout...when we were pulled out in front of everyone one member says "ughh ohhh firing squad"...it wasn't a bad thing at all. I like the pressure because it pushes me.

Running has been really good getting back into it. I am happy with my decision to start with two smaller races to get my base back. I don't feel so overwhelmed running 2 miles versus 10! My knee has been a little sore but nothing to really worry about. I just want my body back! I want to feel better and not feel like such a fatty! :-(

This Video Cracks me up of Buddy Lee doing Double Unders

Running Workout
2 miles

Workout of the Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Group Warmup / Technique & Development: (10 Minutes)
A: 10 Wall Ball Shots, 10 Reverse Wall Ball Slams, 10 Mtn Climbers, 100 M Run x 2 rds

B: Burgener Warmup (lead by coach 5 reps each w/ PVC):

1. Down & Up (Speed through the middle)
2. Down & Up / Elbows High & Outside (Bar close to body)
3. Muscle Snatch (Overhead position)
4. Snatch Land (2", 4", 6") (Power receiving positions)
5. Snatch Drop (Full Squat) (Full Snatch receiving position)
6. Hang Snatch - from "Pockets" (3rd Pull)
7. Hang Snatch - from "Mid Thigh" (2nd Pull)
8. Full Snatch - from "Floor / Shins" (1st Pull / DL)


A1: Snatch High Pull; Rep Sets 3, 2, 1; Rest 30 Sec;
A2: Hang Power Snatch; Rep Sets 3, 2, 1; Rest 30 Sec
A3: Full Snatch; Rep Sets 3, 2, 1; Rest in rotation / Add weight after each set as perfected.

Rotate through A1, A2, A3. There are a total of 3 Sets per Exercise. Add weight ONLY after mechanics appear sound. Work on PERFECT FORM. Advanced will work up to 90% of 1RM SNATCH.


5 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
10 Box Jumps
15 Double Unders

My Rounds=7

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

All I can say is OMG for today's workout! After a weekend of ZERO sleep and taking care of essentially an in house petting zoo, I am not quite sure how I got through today's workout...

Here is where is all began!
Teams of 3 must complete the following
300 burpees, 300 Kettle Bell Swings, 300 weighted walking lunges.
Here are the rules you can NOT move on to the next exercise until the previous exercise has been completed...ohhhh snap there is always that little twist in a team wod...here is the icing on the cake!! While we are completing our death sentence we must fit in NINE Parking Garage stair runs of I believe there were 5 floors...

I was on Team FOUR BABY!!!
Tyler, Meg, Jay ...Not my most attractive moments, sorrry!!
We devise a plan on who is going to run the stairs first while the other two are doing horrible burpees.  Jay B decides he wants to run the stairs first....the stair runs came to about 3:30seconds. Next it's my turn welllll I must have had a miscommunication on my end because I went and only did one stair run while Tyler went and ran his 3!! Ohh well at this point me and Jay B are hustling doing our Burpees when Tyler finally comes back after he ran his 3...soooo of course I run back to the garage which really felt like the Empire State Building to me!!! I run my last two sets and I get back and we have 2 burpees left so I jump down and do 2!

Dreadful Burpees are done so now it's time to move on to Kettle Bell Swings, yes allll 300...We start out in the middle of the field for about 15 swings and next thing you know we are behind a tree with shade trying to not pass out because the WOD was so challenging... Jay is pouring water down out backs trying to make us feel better that we know we still have 300 walking weighted lunges to do in 95degree heat.

And NOWWWW for the Final event we have 300 Walking weighted lunges!!! I think that it was safe to say that our legs were already burning from the warmup all the way until these last 300 walking weighted lunges!
Did we Finish?!! Hell yeah baby!!!
Team 4 Time=36:30
End Result Pic
he's not dead; he's reflecting! LOL

Workout of the Day
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Teams of 3 complete the following for TIME
300 Burpees
300 Kettle Bell Swings
300 Weighted Walking Lunges
***you must also complete 9 stairway runs amongst this workout
Team 4 Time=36:30
Tyler, Meg, Jay B
 *NOTE-I took these pictures off of facebook for Crossfit Delray Beach. No copywrite infringement intended

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Not so much Rest Day

I LOVEEEE animals. I love every animal there is. If I had it my way I would work in a zoo...However, that's just it, I would work in a  zoo and then go home to my nice comfortable bed with my nice quiet pets...ohhh boy this was NOT the case this weekend!!I haven't slept since Friday!!

The Dogs will not stop barking...alll day, alll night, barking, barking, barking...The Parrots screaming, screaming, screaming.ahhhhhhh!!! LOL...I needed to go home for a few hours to take a nap and regain my patience.

Workout of the Day

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Animal Kingdom House

I am sitting for a house that I call "The Animal Kingdom House"....the owners have 4 dogs, 2 Parrots, and 2 Canaries...one of the dogs is a 3lb chi pin....let me tell you that the 3lber is the NASTIEST dog ever! She bit me!! oh well I still love her!

Today's Cross fit WOD was pretty Brutal! I LOVE Team WOD's though. It's my favorite days of the week!!

Workout of the Day
Saturday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Group Warmup: 100 M Jog, 1 Round of "Cindy", 200 M Jog, 1 Round of "Cindy", 400 M jog, 1 Round of "Cindy" (all light and not rushed. stretch out the kinks. meet your team, set up your stations and bars for the wod). Each person to do 8-10 warmup reps of Power Cleans and WBS with lighter weights.




PERSONS A & B from the team will run a total of 6 x 100 M Sandbag Runs. You will share the workload (and the sandbag) by having PERSON A run 100 M (50 M there, 50 M back) and hand off the sandbag to PERSON B. When you are finished, go switch with C & D.

During this time, PERSONS C & D will each be completing the following AMRAP:

5 Power cleans (135/95)

10 Wall Balls (20lb / 14lb)

C & D will write their total cumulative rounds on the board before exiting the gym to take over sandbag sprints. A & B will switch and now do the AMRAP.

Continue switching stations for 25 MINUTES total. POST: TOTAL ROUNDS of 5 power cleans, 10 wall balls.

Team 4 Total Rounds=35!! We won!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

It's Labor Day Weekend. I hope everyone has a safe weekend! Have fun at all of your BBQ's!!!

Workout of the Day
1.5mile run

Thursday, September 2, 2010

800 Meter Sprints=Not My Friend

800 meter sprints are not my thing!! Actually, "not my thing" is an understatement...I should say that 800 meter sprints are my arch nemesis. Honestly, ever since high school I have NEVER been able to acclimate myself to them...they always seem to be very awkward for me...

I was blindsided with these 800 meters!! Here is the deal, at Crossfit today we had to run on a continuously running clock four 800meter sprints. For example, 0-8mins- run 800 meters, 8-16mins run another 800meters sooo if you ran an 800meter in 4 minutes you would have 4 minutes rest...well here is the deal in your "rest" period you have to do FIVE 135lb deadlifts...everyone's deadlift weight was different but mine was 135lbs...people like me who don't run very fast annnddd have to deadlift in between makes for a VERY short rest period! LOL....Today's running workout was not my friend!!

Workout of the Day
Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Today's Group Warmup and Technique & Development will be worked simultaneously during the first 20 minutes of class. First the COACH will do demos as explained below, then the class will work until warm.

1. Review Foot Clamp and Hand Positions. Review Descending Planks.
2. Review DEADLIFT (Stance, Grip, Position)


 250 M ROW
7 DEADLIFTS (Add weight each round, this is warmup up to working weight)
Hip Extension Stretch (Knee against wall, see K-Star video)
Quad Stretch / Hamstring Release
Calf Stretch / Ankle Rotation
25 M High Knees / 25 M Butt Kicks

Running Workout
4x800 meter run
in between each 800 meter 5reps of 135lb deadlifts
This WOD will be worked with a continuously running clock. You will start an 800 M RUN every 8 MINUTES. Record times for each of your efforts.

0:00 - 8:00 - 800 M RUN (Record time, rest until next effort)
8:00 - 16:00 - 800 M RUN
16:00 - 20:00 - 800 M RUN
20:00 - 24:00 - 800 M RUN

My Times

I was one of the slowest ones ALL day LMAO!! Ohh well those are 10min mile times and that's what I run so I accept it...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Off The Hookah

Off the Hookah on a Wednesday night is not the best place to go for Happy Hour. I think that I was the youngest person there...for men there was no one under 50! Yikes!!... However, the food was awesome, the drinks were good and after 10pm on a weekend night this place is "Off the Hook"....

Workout of the Day
Rest Day/Try different place for Happy Hour