Monday, September 27, 2010


When you are in a relationship and it ends, "they" say that it takes half the time you were with someone to get over them. I have to say that it definitely took me a long time to get over my ex, however, why does it still hurt when I see him with the girl he left me for(now his fiance), bought her a house within 4 months, and a ring within a year.  I often wonder why we stayed together all of those years if he knew that I wasn't the right one.

I am the classic example of girl meets guy, spends 5 years with them, then they break up with you for some receptionist and all of a sudden they have become the man you want them to be. Let's be honest you can't change a person. What is the saying? "You can't change the spots on a leopard"....It's all smokes and mirrors ladies. Everything you didn't like about them before you broke up will still be exactly the same after you break up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they go ahead and lose a few pounds, get haircuts on the regular and all of a sudden they seem to dress and look the best they ever have. Trust me when I say that it's only temporary. The 25lbs he lost when you break up comes right back on when they get comfortable again. It's a Bait and Switch I tell ya!!

When we first broke up I PATHETICALLY said and then asked: I don't understand, what does she have that I don't? I thought that I was going to get the typical answer of "She's funny, she's smart, she's beautiful" and I got something that was shocking and it changed my whole outlook on him. He the FIRST things out of his mouth he said to me: "She cooks for me, she cleans for me, and she doesn't mind ironing my shirts and I think that she is selfless" basically he wanted a house wife. That is COMPLETELY fine however when we first got together it was made very clear that my career comes first and getting into a financial position where when we got married we would have a cushion where we could have started a family...Typical old school Portuguese guy that wants his wife at home cooking, cleaning, bearing his children...Even though we didn't work out I always believed and still believe the one thing he will be amazing at is being a dad. That was actually the most attractive thing about him to me.

Where does this all come from? I was playing softball Friday night and he and his future wife sat directly next to me at The Ale House when I was sitting with my softball team. My heart fell in my stomach. I don't know why we as women always blame the other girl when it's the guy! I have no ill will towards her at all, however, I definitely admit I size her up and put myself on a wayyyy higher pedestal when I am sure that she is actually a really nice person. I hate that about myself that I can be so childish.  Sometimes when he sees me and we speak I think that he is secretly happy that I am alone...and when I see him I still think two things "#1 it's weird when you spend all of these years with someone and you look at them now and you barely even know them....and #2 Wow that kid could never be alone. He has always been in one relationship after another"

 I do get very sad some days but I say to myself "Thank GOD I didn't settle". Sometimes when we are comfortable we have a tendency to stay content because the unknown is too scary. Usually when I have a freak out my brother sends me every bad quality that I used to hate about him and then I feel better! thanks Jason!

My time will come.

Workout of the Day
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Group Warmup: 
2 Rounds of:

10 x Arm Circles (each arm)
10 x Torso Twist
10 x Wrist Circles (each arm)
Handstand Holds (10 - 15 Sec)
Hang from Pull Up Bar (10 - 15 Sec)
5 Push Ups
5 Mtn Climbers
10 Air Squats
100 M Jog

Technique & Development: OVERHEAD SQUATS

Warmup Sets: In Unison, Lead by Coach (TEMPO)

A1: Overhead Squats @ 3211; 8 Reps; Rest 30 Secs; 3 Sets (++ Load per set / w.u)
A2: Mobility Hip Stretch; 30 Secs each side; 3 Sets
A3: Pelvic Tilt Stretch; 2 ft / single leg each side; 20 sec each, 3 Sets

Work Sets: Overhead Squats

Beginners: OHS @ 3211; 6-8 Reps; Rest 30 Sec; 3-4 Sets**
** Only increase load as mechanics perfected

Int / Advanced: 3-3-3-1-1* / Rest 3 Min. / Max Reps @ 75%

* Work until you fail at your 1RM for today. Upon failure, rest 3 MINUTES. Then reload bar to 75% of failed load. Execute 1 SET OF AMRAP OHS at this load (75% of 1RM).


25 Burpees
Then: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Hang Power Cleans (115 / 75)
Front Squats (115 / 75)

**I modified and did deadlifts instead of front squats because my knee was bothering me

My time= 12:22
My Weight= 53lbs

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