Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Firing Squad

Sooooo verryyyyyy soreeee! I honestly think I need to get a massage...Almost EIGHT months of my body going through this Crossfit Program! What started out as a gift became a complete lifestyle change...It's absolutely crazy how addicting this program is!!

Me and 2 other members were pulled out in front of the entire class today because apparently there is "No reason why we don't have our double unders down"...well I hate to break it to the world but I am not exactly Rocky Balboa. I am lucky to jump a single rep rope nevermind two! The truth is that I can only do Double Unders with a single in between. I didn't think that counted so I never do them doing the workout...when we were pulled out in front of everyone one member says "ughh ohhh firing squad"...it wasn't a bad thing at all. I like the pressure because it pushes me.

Running has been really good getting back into it. I am happy with my decision to start with two smaller races to get my base back. I don't feel so overwhelmed running 2 miles versus 10! My knee has been a little sore but nothing to really worry about. I just want my body back! I want to feel better and not feel like such a fatty! :-(

This Video Cracks me up of Buddy Lee doing Double Unders

Running Workout
2 miles

Workout of the Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Group Warmup / Technique & Development: (10 Minutes)
A: 10 Wall Ball Shots, 10 Reverse Wall Ball Slams, 10 Mtn Climbers, 100 M Run x 2 rds

B: Burgener Warmup (lead by coach 5 reps each w/ PVC):

1. Down & Up (Speed through the middle)
2. Down & Up / Elbows High & Outside (Bar close to body)
3. Muscle Snatch (Overhead position)
4. Snatch Land (2", 4", 6") (Power receiving positions)
5. Snatch Drop (Full Squat) (Full Snatch receiving position)
6. Hang Snatch - from "Pockets" (3rd Pull)
7. Hang Snatch - from "Mid Thigh" (2nd Pull)
8. Full Snatch - from "Floor / Shins" (1st Pull / DL)


A1: Snatch High Pull; Rep Sets 3, 2, 1; Rest 30 Sec;
A2: Hang Power Snatch; Rep Sets 3, 2, 1; Rest 30 Sec
A3: Full Snatch; Rep Sets 3, 2, 1; Rest in rotation / Add weight after each set as perfected.

Rotate through A1, A2, A3. There are a total of 3 Sets per Exercise. Add weight ONLY after mechanics appear sound. Work on PERFECT FORM. Advanced will work up to 90% of 1RM SNATCH.


5 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
10 Box Jumps
15 Double Unders

My Rounds=7


  1. You are insane Megan! I admire you for all of your hard work and dedication. It's inspiring! Ok now on a less serious note: I follow a different version of the snatch workout.

  2. Jessica, I don't think I can post those types of workouts on my blog...LMAO

  3. That Buddy Lee dude is SICK! I feel inspired to join a double dutch team. HOLLA!
