Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

All I can say is OMG for today's workout! After a weekend of ZERO sleep and taking care of essentially an in house petting zoo, I am not quite sure how I got through today's workout...

Here is where is all began!
Teams of 3 must complete the following
300 burpees, 300 Kettle Bell Swings, 300 weighted walking lunges.
Here are the rules you can NOT move on to the next exercise until the previous exercise has been completed...ohhhh snap there is always that little twist in a team is the icing on the cake!! While we are completing our death sentence we must fit in NINE Parking Garage stair runs of I believe there were 5 floors...

I was on Team FOUR BABY!!!
Tyler, Meg, Jay ...Not my most attractive moments, sorrry!!
We devise a plan on who is going to run the stairs first while the other two are doing horrible burpees.  Jay B decides he wants to run the stairs first....the stair runs came to about 3:30seconds. Next it's my turn welllll I must have had a miscommunication on my end because I went and only did one stair run while Tyler went and ran his 3!! Ohh well at this point me and Jay B are hustling doing our Burpees when Tyler finally comes back after he ran his 3...soooo of course I run back to the garage which really felt like the Empire State Building to me!!! I run my last two sets and I get back and we have 2 burpees left so I jump down and do 2!

Dreadful Burpees are done so now it's time to move on to Kettle Bell Swings, yes allll 300...We start out in the middle of the field for about 15 swings and next thing you know we are behind a tree with shade trying to not pass out because the WOD was so challenging... Jay is pouring water down out backs trying to make us feel better that we know we still have 300 walking weighted lunges to do in 95degree heat.

And NOWWWW for the Final event we have 300 Walking weighted lunges!!! I think that it was safe to say that our legs were already burning from the warmup all the way until these last 300 walking weighted lunges!
Did we Finish?!! Hell yeah baby!!!
Team 4 Time=36:30
End Result Pic
he's not dead; he's reflecting! LOL

Workout of the Day
Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach

Teams of 3 complete the following for TIME
300 Burpees
300 Kettle Bell Swings
300 Weighted Walking Lunges
***you must also complete 9 stairway runs amongst this workout
Team 4 Time=36:30
Tyler, Meg, Jay B
 *NOTE-I took these pictures off of facebook for Crossfit Delray Beach. No copywrite infringement intended


  1. Sounds brutal! I let out three long burpees after drinking 32 ounces of soda. Can't imagine doing 300!

  2. Tino, you have the WORST eating habits I have ever known to man!! Not to stroke your ego but it must be your genetics because you have a slammin' body...but you eat like $h*t....

  3. FYI..I USED to eat like $h*t. Haven't had a buffet in months! I actually eat pretty good now. Well, not Paleo good. But WAY better than I used to. Btw, I don't know bout "slammin' body", but thanks!

  4. I'm not big on team WODs but this one looks fun/ difficult.

  5. Joseph why aren't you into Team WODS?
