Monday, September 13, 2010

Jury Duty

Jury Duty is our responsibility as an American Citizen and it makes our Justice system complete.  I actually find it a privilege that I get to be part of such an important role in Due Process...on a side not how do people take 2-3weeks off from work to be on a jury that pays $30 a day after 3 days? I think the jury selection process would be better if they compensated the Juror's to a pay that was comparable to their job that way the selection of people would be more...Who can take off work for $15 a day for 3+ weeks? That is just unreasonable...

I sat there the entire day and watched movies. I have to say though it was a nice break from the regular day job.I actually don't mind sitting there. I am not a fan of West Palm though. I was trying to figure out which court house had the wackiest people; Fall River or West Palm Beach? My conclusion= TIE...

Have you ever seen the episode of Sex and the City where Carrie Bradshaw sat next to this guy in Jury Duty who carried a Coconut in his brief case? Well the court house I was at I was hoping that a Cocnut was the only thing people carried in their brief case! haha..Wack Jobs I tell you...Another observation that I made that actually just astounds me is people's attire. I am not saying that you have to go buy a suit for Jury Duty but at least dress appropriately where you don't look like you are going to the beach. I find it so disrespectful to wear a tank top and flip flops to a Court! I think to myself ummmmm hellloooo where did you think that you were going today? The Beach? Like Judge Judy says "You Can't fix Stupid"....needless to say 8am-4pm I did not get picked for the Jury...

I was so Dead Tired because I went to Crossfit Saturday and Sunday that I used today as a Rest day!

Workout of the Day

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