Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Worst Wednesday

I have had the WORST week at Crossfit...worse week in the send that I haven't enjoyed any of the workouts..hahaha. We had to do this Man Maker Box jump move today where you have 2 dumb bells and jump down to a push up and jump in like a burpee and then clean it on top of a box....Guess who couldn't jump on a box with an extra 20lbs in their hand and clean it?!! Yes! It was this girl! I tried doing it on a raised step and a non raised step too! NOPE it just wasn't my thing. Next time hopefully I will get it.  That's the great thing about not doing well or liking something at Crossfit is that next time you might do better and that's all that matters. It's generally a personality trait with me that if I don't get something down within the first 2 seconds then I don't like it! LOL

It's been just a crazy month.  Reggae Fest,going away parties, BBQ's, get togethers, just life in general has been so crazy. You start feeling bad about yourself when you always show up to these things alone. Sometimes I forget that I was even with someone for 5 years! The funny thing is when I see the other couples fighting about the GAYEST stuff I am like "omg I don't miss that.." life is GREAT don't get me wrong, I have a lot of wonderful things going on but when you guys invite me to stuff can I still have a +1 on the invite so I don't feel like a loser! LOL...just kidding :-)

Over the past two weeks I have collected a lot of information on content I want to cover. I was hoping to get the blog revamped but that didn't happen. That is the main reason why I wasn't writing because I was trying to figure out how to make this thing eye catching. I am not computer savy in the BLOGGING LOOKING GREAT department so if you have any suggestions let me know! Just tell me how to do it! LOL

Workout of the Day
Wednesday=Crossfit Delray Beach

WOD: The "Mutant Maker"

KBS (32kg / 24kg)=kettle bell swings
Jumps (MMBJ)* (25lb / 15lb)

Pull Ups
For Time
*MMBJ = Movement goes from DB Burpee into DB Clean - Box Jump. The Clean is received on top of the box. Stand up to full extension and jump or step down. Restart movement from push up / plank position.

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