Monday, April 5, 2010

Crossfitter, Friend and Propositioner

This is my Crossfit friend Marina. I label her as MARINA: Crossfitter, FRIEND, and PROPOSITIONER! One day after Crossfit she BBM's me(blackberry message) and says I have a Proposition for you, I am going to send you an article and you HAVE to read the ENTIRE article NO SKIMMING and then tell me at the end if you will do it or not. Here is the link for reference: ...I reluctantly said yes. She gave me a book to read as homework; The Paleo Diet.

I am mostly through the book because I have been reading like 4 books at once  but I have to say that one topic REALLY stuck out to me; Dairy. The Paleo Diet is really based on what our ancestors used to eat and what our bodies were designed to eat by nature. If you could spear it, or pick it from the earth you can eat it. It's really not that difficult of a concept.  Getting back to the Dairy Topic, one example they use in the book is that we were Hunters and Gatherers would we really have had the time to milk an animal after we caught it to eat? NO, not really.  For some reason it just made a lot of sense to me. The book also goes into a mini history lesson of farming and etc. It's determinately educational.

Now here I am! I like to drink, I like to eat, and LOVE Corona's in the summer! Forget it. It's all over. BTW: I am only using this horrible picture because it's one of the only ones that show my full body in it. Running marathons, and Crossfitting never could I love more then I LOVE Food. It's actually pretty disgusting and disturbing.  Many people when they break up, or get stressed out and lose weight, not me my friends I EAT like a fat kid loves cake. I have this obsession with food that is just beyond normal.  Now I realize that I have just been putting chemicals after chemicals in my body that make me crave and eat more!  Since starting the Paleo way of eating I have already lost 7lbs and haven't craved all the crap that we put in our diet.  Giving up drinking alcohol I think is the HARDEST. That sounds like a problem but let me tell you how difficult it is to go on a date, be out with friends, go to the beach, and beer, wine, and alcoholic beverages are just part of our culture and it's always around.  The TWO drinks that you can have are Red wine and Tequila and what do you know folks I don't drink either of them. My drinks of choice in order of favorites are: STOLI Raz and Soda Water with a lime, Champagne, and Corona. Good bye all 3! Boo two thumbs down but hey I opted in on this Proposition and I am going to stick to it! NO PROCESSED FOODS!!!

I am hoping that my skin also improves because I feel like I have dry skin and dry hair. I guess we will see all the changes that are going to happen over the next 30 days. I am really hoping that this is going to be a change of lifestyle for me and I will be able to keep it up. I don't like my face. I feel like I break out more then ever and I just can't seem to keep my skin hydrated. Maybe giving up all the coffee and the drinking and the bad crap will make my skin look better.

Here is a link to the food list of ENCOURAGED and Foods you should AVOID. I think that its a very helpful list for anyone wondering about the Paleo Plan and if its what works for you.

This girl Marina pushes my ass every single day. When I am afraid to jump on the box because I might fall she makes me do it. When I feel like I can't add more weight to my front squats she adds it, and when I want to cheat and have a glass of wine I BBM her and she says don't do it! LOL..It's what works for us as accountability partners. She does the same thing to me except she seems to have more will power then I do when it comes to food. I can't imagine what it is like to be a drug addict or alcoholic because I find it so incredibly challenging to change my life for the better for a start of 30 days nevermind knowing if I was an alcoholic that I couldn't ever have that drink at the beach, or a glass of wine with my friends. This whole Crossfit and Paleo Proposition has been an eye opener to me.  When Sarah(aka GI Jane and Jillian Michaels combined) had me running with those sandbags I can't imagine gaining that weight and lugging an extra 25lbs on me. I am not suggesting you go out and try it but just IMAGINE someone giving you a 25lb bag of dead weight and telling you to go run a mile with it and you tell me how you feel at the end.

On a side not the knee is feeling sooo much better. I am going to try to start distance running again this week. I am posting Friday Saturday and Today's workout.

Workout of the Day
Friday, Saturday, Monday=Crossfit Delray Beach

M.E DEADLIFT 3RM / "Hidden Treasures"
Group Warmup:
10 Jumping Jacks / 10 Torso Twist / 10 Good Morning / 10 Arm Circles / 10 Alternating Lunges / 5 x 5-Count Burpees (2 ROUNDS)
Technique & Development: 
M.E DEADLIFT - 3RM (3-3-3-3-3) OR (3-3-3-1-1)
Level 1 - To work DL Progression in unison with Coach
All Other Levels: Find 3RM
WOD: "Hidden Treasures"
20 Walking Lunges
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
40 Double Unders (5:1 Singles)
50 Sit Ups
40 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps
20 Walking Lunges
At some point during this WOD, you must also complete a total of 50 BURPEES.
Each team must complete the following for time:
Teams of 5*:
2000 M Row (share workload - each team gets access to 1 rower)
1 Tire (pulling)
1 Bumper Plate (25#)
1 Kettle Bell (12 kg)
1 Sandbag (#35)
1 Medicine Ball (#14)
1 Barbell (#35)
NOTES: *The idea is for each team to carry 1 more item than there are people on the team. So if it's an uneven group,do a team of 4 and skip one item. If it's teams of ALL MEN (up the weight); if it's ALL WOMEN (scale the weight); scale accordingly for mixed groups.
M.E FRONT SQUAT (5RM) / "The 'Ol Bait and Switch 2"

Work up to 5RM.
Keep elbows UP HIGH!

WOD: "The 'Ol Bait and Switch" (Partner WOD)
In teams of 2:
Partner 1: 15
Power Snatch (95/65)

Partner 2: Max
Rep Knees 2 Elbows (during time it takes for partner 1 to complete snatches)

Together: 20
Box Jumps (24/20) (each)

Then Switch so
Partner 2 does the Snatches and Partner 1 does the K2E.

Complete the cycle for 6 rounds in total. This means each partner will complete a total of 3 rounds each (15 x 3 Power Snatch, Max Rep K2E x 3, and 20 BoxJumps x 3). Record TIME and TOTAL NUMBER OF K2E each round.


  1. Considering that the first thing we ingest is milk, I find it odd that dairy is excluded. I'm sure even cavebabies breastfed.

  2. We are breast fed when we are born because of the nutrients in the breast milk necessary for INFANTS, however as we get older we no longer need the dairy. In fact, most people don't even realize that dairy may have negative affects on them. A good way to try it out is to eliminate dairy for 30 days as Marina and I are and then if you feel no difference then you can reintroduce it to your diet.

  3. haha sarah GI Jane! love it
