Monday, August 30, 2010

8 Weeks to a FABULOUS 5k

Monday I had officially started training for the Susan G. Komen 5k Race for the Cure in Miami on Oct. 17th...the ironic part is that was the date for my Newport Marathon that got put on hold because of my knee...I am building up my base and starting from scratch! YIKES!!!

Today I had my first official run of 1.5 miles. It was great because I got the whiff of freshly cut grass right before the rain. I love that smell. It was one of the smells that reminded me what I loved about running in the first place.  There are these amazing scents that you come across when you are out there. I love the smell of pine. It's so refreshing when you run by it, it reminds me of Christmas time with my family and decorating the tree...Ohhh and yes there are some NOT SO AMAZING SMELLS...I have witnessed personally someone poop their pants while racing...pretty embarrassing for them! Oh well Shit happens! LOL...what a lame attempt to make a joke.

For the past 8 weeks or so I have been doing sprinting workouts 2-3 times a week.  Sprinting workouts are supposed to translate into longer slower distance.  It DEFINITELY works however it's not for me to train that way. I truly enjoy the distance portion of the running...soooo what I am going to do instead is run distance 4 days a week and incorporate 1 additional sprinting or a hill workout. You will always see any workouts I do posted at the end of each day's entry. I am just building my base back so I most likely will just be out there running trying to get the distance back and not worrying so much about the TIME it's taking me to get there...

I have always trained for miles and with doing that my time as always eventually just got to a point where I was comfortable with it, however the Triathlete that reconfigured my Marathon Training Schedule completely disagrees.  During marathon training he has me running for time not miles.  Honestly, he's the expert, I am just the trainee. I am not going to win any races in my lifetime so at the end of the day I am going to use a training program that is comfortable to me.

I Crossfit 5-6 days a week so the running program I choose is in between Novice and Intermediate...We do so much running at Crossfit that I don't want to over train.  When you see I only ran a 1.5-2miles that's usually based on my Crossfit WOD(workout of the day)

I will be running the Ft Lauderdale Half Marathon in February and then at that point depending how my knee feels I will choose a marathon to run in this point I just want to stay injury free and build back up to it again....TRUST ME I AM PISSSSSED I lost my running endurance.

I have TONS of content I am going to be putting up so stay tuned!! I am participating in several different extra curricular activities that I am pretty excited to write about... After all who wants to only hear about running right?!

Running Workout
warm up/stretch
Run 1.5 miles

Workout of the Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach
Group Warmup: 5 Arm Circles (each); 5 Torso Twist; 5 Jumping Pull Ups; 5 Push Ups; 5 Burpees; 5 Mtn Climbers; 5 Alt. Lunges; 5 Quad Stretch/Ham Release (ea leg) x 3 Rounds

Technique & Development: PULL UPS

BEGINNERS: Scale with bands as needed. Focus on Negative and TEMPO.
STRICT PULL UPS @ 4011; 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps (=4 Sets); 1 Min Rest

I used the bands...I can't do strict pull ups just yet

STRICT PULL UPS; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5 Sets); 1 Min Rest (Add weight per round)


FOR TIME: 50-40-30-20-10

WALKING LUNGES (total steps)
DOUBLE UNDERS=jump rope singles= 250,200,150,100,50

My Time=22:13


  1. I'm gonna have to agree with your triathlete friend. My primary goal in fitness is progression. Whether it's doing one more rep, lifting a few more lbs, or running a few seconds faster, I'm always trying to improve. Running for time encourages progression. But even if your running 100 miles, if you never improve your time, your body adapts and you'll see minimal improvement. Btw, was the video of any help?

  2. Everyone is different. The bottom line is a race is 26.2miles. It's great to run for time but in the end what good is running for time if I can't make the distance required of me?

  3. If you say you can't, then you won't. Free your mind of all negative thoughts.

  4. It's not a question of can't it's a reality...Let's say someone tells you to run 27 mins and you run 27 mins but it takes you 31 minutes to finish the REQUIRED distance what good was running those 27 minutes if you can't finish...train for a race Tino and then let me know haha...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Huh? I'm confused. So when your friend says run for time, that means you run for a given time regardless of your pace? If that's the case, then that IS pointless. I think of running for time as timing yourself while running a given distance.

  7. Tino, my Running for Time marathon schedule was configured based on my mile times, 5k, 10k times so it was accurate at the time for me...however,now that I haven't been running distance it's no longer accurate that's why I was saying that running for time isn't going to work for me at the moment. I need to get my running base down again...
