Monday, August 30, 2010

8 Weeks to a FABULOUS 5k

Monday I had officially started training for the Susan G. Komen 5k Race for the Cure in Miami on Oct. 17th...the ironic part is that was the date for my Newport Marathon that got put on hold because of my knee...I am building up my base and starting from scratch! YIKES!!!

Today I had my first official run of 1.5 miles. It was great because I got the whiff of freshly cut grass right before the rain. I love that smell. It was one of the smells that reminded me what I loved about running in the first place.  There are these amazing scents that you come across when you are out there. I love the smell of pine. It's so refreshing when you run by it, it reminds me of Christmas time with my family and decorating the tree...Ohhh and yes there are some NOT SO AMAZING SMELLS...I have witnessed personally someone poop their pants while racing...pretty embarrassing for them! Oh well Shit happens! LOL...what a lame attempt to make a joke.

For the past 8 weeks or so I have been doing sprinting workouts 2-3 times a week.  Sprinting workouts are supposed to translate into longer slower distance.  It DEFINITELY works however it's not for me to train that way. I truly enjoy the distance portion of the running...soooo what I am going to do instead is run distance 4 days a week and incorporate 1 additional sprinting or a hill workout. You will always see any workouts I do posted at the end of each day's entry. I am just building my base back so I most likely will just be out there running trying to get the distance back and not worrying so much about the TIME it's taking me to get there...

I have always trained for miles and with doing that my time as always eventually just got to a point where I was comfortable with it, however the Triathlete that reconfigured my Marathon Training Schedule completely disagrees.  During marathon training he has me running for time not miles.  Honestly, he's the expert, I am just the trainee. I am not going to win any races in my lifetime so at the end of the day I am going to use a training program that is comfortable to me.

I Crossfit 5-6 days a week so the running program I choose is in between Novice and Intermediate...We do so much running at Crossfit that I don't want to over train.  When you see I only ran a 1.5-2miles that's usually based on my Crossfit WOD(workout of the day)

I will be running the Ft Lauderdale Half Marathon in February and then at that point depending how my knee feels I will choose a marathon to run in this point I just want to stay injury free and build back up to it again....TRUST ME I AM PISSSSSED I lost my running endurance.

I have TONS of content I am going to be putting up so stay tuned!! I am participating in several different extra curricular activities that I am pretty excited to write about... After all who wants to only hear about running right?!

Running Workout
warm up/stretch
Run 1.5 miles

Workout of the Day
Tuesday=Crossfit Delray Beach
Group Warmup: 5 Arm Circles (each); 5 Torso Twist; 5 Jumping Pull Ups; 5 Push Ups; 5 Burpees; 5 Mtn Climbers; 5 Alt. Lunges; 5 Quad Stretch/Ham Release (ea leg) x 3 Rounds

Technique & Development: PULL UPS

BEGINNERS: Scale with bands as needed. Focus on Negative and TEMPO.
STRICT PULL UPS @ 4011; 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps (=4 Sets); 1 Min Rest

I used the bands...I can't do strict pull ups just yet

STRICT PULL UPS; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5 Sets); 1 Min Rest (Add weight per round)


FOR TIME: 50-40-30-20-10

WALKING LUNGES (total steps)
DOUBLE UNDERS=jump rope singles= 250,200,150,100,50

My Time=22:13

It's Not Good Bye...It's See you Later

Running Times September 2010 Editors Note "RUNNING is a relationship not unlike that between two people"

In short the editor also writes "As in all relationships, succeeding over the long term requires flexibility and creativity to maintain it as our lives change. Friends enter and leave our lives sometimes as arbitrarily as the weather....changes are inevitable and maintaining communication can often times become a struggle, many times people decide the relationship may no longer work....the same is often true to running...Suddenly we find we don't have the time..."

Crossfit Fund Raiser
September issue of Running Times really hit home for me this month as two of my great friends are leaving Florida.  Marina, off to New York and Dysmar, off to Germany...Although change is occurring for the better I will do my part to make sure communication is far from a struggle.

I had this whole written structural outline of what I wanted to write about them but it seemed to formal so I am going to freehand... Both of them in the beginning were Crossfitters and 8 months later became my really close friends..."they" say you are lucky if you get to count your friends on one hand and already I have two spots filled...

Let me tell you about these girls....

Wet Willy's in West Palm Beach
Marina, this blonde girl that started two weeks after me that I am almost positive I hated because she had a Yankees shirt on and everyone knows how I feel about Yankee fans...Anyway, as we are running an 800meter this girl comes running up to me saying sooo how old are you, are you single, where are you from, etc....nowwww looking back at this conversation I am not sure how the hell we were able to talk because I can not talk during ANYYYY Crossfit WOD EVER!! We clearly were not working that hard!! LOL...This particular 800 meter run started an entire friendship that will last a lifetime....hours and hours of crossfitting, coffee, west palm beach clubs, Ft Lauderdale/Delray Beach days, dinners, drinks, and laughs came to follow that 800 meters....

Dysmar, the sweetest girl you will ever meet. My first week into Crossfit I was the outsider. I had ZERO friends in the Crossfit community so of course I am picked LAST on Saturday morning Team WODS ...In fact, I am not quite sure if my original teammate left me because her kid was sick or she took one look at my behind and was like HELL NO is this girl on my team! LMAO...To make a long story short I got to be on Dysmar's team and met her while we were running 400 meters backwards...Yet another run that had me meet a wonderful person!

I don't know how it happened but every Saturday for the next 7 months us three were a team for Crossfit WODs and we always had an understanding and got things done...Flipping Tires, running with someone on our back, doing 100 65lb thrusters, 100 pullups, burpees for time, rowing for calories, whatever it was we got it done...crazy!!

These are the only two girls I know that didn't get mad at me for being 2 1/2hrs late to dinner because god forbid should I eat, drink, and not crossfit too! They are also the 2 girls that can call my ass at 5am to make sure I am up to get to crossfit that morning because we had plans that night...Many bad date stories, many glasses of wine, many nights at sushi and most importantly many laughs is what I will remember(except for the party at Dys' house where she had all the BOMB Venezuelan food, non of which were Paleo)....and I am so happy to have spent more hours in my week with you guys than anyone else...

As you both are on your journey that we call life, I too will be starting my new journey back into distance running...Running is the only relationship you can continuously go back to with no judgement. Life takes you to different countries, different states, different neighborhoods, but at the end of the day running will always remain the same just on a different road...

You both are leaving to achieve greatness, and like distance running where you will leave my life briefly, it will never be a Good Bye but rather a See You Later....I wish you both all the success in the world...

Next Race=October 17th-5k in Miami

Work out of the Day
Monday= Crossfit Delray Beach


Group Warmup / Technique & Development: (10 Minutes)

A1: Burgener Partner Drills (10 rep each)

A2: Burgener Warmup (lead by coach 5 reps each w/ PVC):

1. Down & Up (Speed through the middle)
2. Down & Up / Elbows High & Outside (Bar close to body)
3. Muscle Snatch (Overhead position)
4. Snatch Land (2", 4", 6") (Power receiving positions)
5. Snatch Drop (Full Squat) (Full Snatch receiving position)
6. Hang Snatch - from "Pockets" (3rd Pull)
7. Hang Snatch - from "Mid Thigh" (2nd Pull)
8. Full Snatch - from "Floor / Shins" (1st Pull / DL)


5, 5, 3, 3, 3 (only adding weight if technique perfect)


1 x Snatch High Pull (From Hang)

2 x Hang Power Snatch

3 x Over Head Squat

4 x Split Squats (bar on back, alternate sides 2 each)

5 x Jumping Back Squats (bar on back)

6 x 25 M Sprints (this means there and back 3 times, do not merge distance into 1 run, must touch and turn). (if raining too hard, do 6 Tuck Jump Burpees)


My Weight=42lbs
My Total Rounds= 4.3